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The best french toast sticks are made from old hot dog bread

Image of article titled Best French Toast Sticks Made of Old Hot Dog Bread

Photo: Claire Lower

“French toast” is often the answer to “what to do with this old bread”. But that’s your answer to “what to do with these old hot dog breads”. Old hot dog bread is spongy, fluffy and hard, making it ideal for absorbing custard while preserving its structure. Cut them into quarters and you’ll find the beginning of the best French toast sticks you’ve ever eaten.

As the grill season is approaching, it’s good to have an emergency plan for the rest of the bread, especially considering that the amount of hot dogs you can buy in the package is never equal to the amount of bread you can buy in the package. .. (Buying multiple packs of either one is a scam and works!)

anyway. The procedure for making French toast for hot dog bread is surprisingly similar to making other French toasts. Make custard, soak the bread in it and fry the bread. I cut the bread into quarters and help them cook faster and increase the amount of golden fried surface area your mouth can access. Because that is the whole point. When frying, use neutral oil as the butter burns before the inside of the French toast is cooked. Also, if you fry the stick in oil, it will have a donut-like atmosphere. For best results, use 1 tablespoon of oil per pan and wipe the pan between batches to prevent burnt bits from coloring the next round of sticks.

Although you can technically use fresh hot dog bread, it is highly recommended to keep it in the fridge overnight without a lid to keep it in shape when frying.You can use any custard recipe you like, but I Same as what I use all the timeAnd it worked beautifully.

Hot dog bread French toast stick (8 sticks)


  • Two old hot dog buns, each cut horizontally into quarters
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup half & half
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Vanilla extract 3/4 teaspoon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of neutral oil (vegetables, rapeseed, etc.)

Put everything except the oil and bread in a bowl, mix and heat the oil over medium heat in a non-stick pan. If the pan is small and can only hold one pan at a time, heat only one tablespoon of oil at a time. Soak all sides of each quarter of each pan in custard and set in a wire rack on the plate to remove excess drips.

Peel off a small piece of hot bread soaked in custard and set it in oil. When it’s ready to burn, your oil is ready. Fry the sticks on both sides for 1-2 minutes until the sticks are crispy and golden. If working in batches, wipe the pan after each batch before adding the next tablespoon of oil.Sprinkle with powdered sugar and enjoy. straight away Maple butter For immersion.

The best french toast sticks are made from old hot dog bread

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