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The best drought-resistant alternative to thirsty grass lawns

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Photo: S. Tatiana ((((Shutterstock).

As temperatures rise in many places, the lawn grooming season has officially begun, and the fight to prevent the grass from turning brown in the heat of summer is imminent. Our gardens are usually suffering and, more importantly, saving water because water use is somehow restricted to drought in many areas. However, there is growing interest in drought-resistant or drought-resistant lawn alternatives, resulting in a garden that can be used without all its water.

Is a Drought Tolerant Lawn Perfect For You?

The first thing to consider when replacing a lawn with a drought-resistant, drought-resistant plant is how to use the space. If you want to barbecue, play in the garden, play sports, or use for gatherings, you need step-resistant plants. If you are more interested in the visual appeal of the space, you can choose from a wide variety of flowering or evergreen plants that remain beautiful during the hot and dry summer weather.

If you like, you can also select the patio area and keep the plants for the border. Creating a patio area with pea gravel, paving stones, or crushed granite does not use any water.

Remember that drought-Resistance Plants adapt to drought conditions and thrive under them. Drought-Resistance Plants are more durable than thirsty varieties, but require some water. Depending on where you live and your growing conditions, you need to decide which varieties are best for you.

Drought Tolerant Lawn Alternative

For drought-resistant, easy-to-walk groundcover plants, common options are: Creeping time, StonecropWhen Summer snow.. All of these are easy to grow, but to grow from seeds, they need to germinate indoors.

There are also more colorful options for a ground cover that withstands affordable foot traffic. Hernia rear grab In the summer there is a green carpet-like lawn and in the winter it turns red. It is a low-diffusion, creeping plant with deep roots that make it very drought-resistant. Veronica in Turkey You can only endure occasional visits, but this is also an option. It is drought resistant and remains low, so no reaping is required.

Drought-resistant lawn alternative

The popular drought-resistant, easy-to-walk ground cover Clover, Comes in different colors and leaf sizes. Clover can be mowed like grass, or you can find varieties that stay low on the ground.

Another simple and affordable option for an evergreen lawn alternative Roman chamomile.. It is drought resistant, does not require much water, stays low on the ground and can be clipped and separated. For tenacious, slow-growing grapes, Creeping wire vine It can be used in areas with heavy traffic and keeps green even in dry conditions.

Other tenacious plants to consider

If you don’t have to walk where to replace the grass, the plants have a lot of potential to retain their color and withstand hot and dry weather. Cacti, succulents, and native wildflowers are all good at surviving the summer. Check with your local university’s gardening extension, park department, or gardening club to make sure you’re heading in the right direction. Getting advice from the locals is a good way to make sure you are choosing a plant that will last longer in certain weather conditions. You may also get some good maintenance tips.

The best drought-resistant alternative to thirsty grass lawns

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