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The 11 worst “practical” advices Lifehacker readers have ever received

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Photo: Lido ((((Shutterstock).

There are some logics for ignoring bullies. Discussed before.. At the same time, many people feel the advice to “just ignore”. Well, it’s “unmitigated bullshit”.As a reader revchewie “The adult who gave me this advice (when I was a kid, in the 70’s) must have been a softer bully than I was, because my bully wanted a reaction. And they kept going until they got it. “

Instead, consider this approach from Crow MP: “Our son began to be bullied verbally in fifth grade. We train him to roll his eyes and say’cool stories’ whenever someone starts with him. Did. They gave up in less than a week. “

Counterattack is not necessarily “winning”.Method is as follows Karaam A. King Please post it on your Facebook page:

“The kid who was bullied here. This is what worked for me: Fightback! Even if it breaks. Bullies have always learned to be easy targets. If you push me and I hit your face, you’ll probably hit me back. But next time you’ll find an easier person who won’t fight back. In many cases, they respect you. If not, they will move on. Also, there is no harm in learning how to fight. “

Unfortunately, the bully may not be able to “leave you alone”. Your strategy of ignoring them can result in bullies escalating their tactics. Consider another way to show that you aren’t completely upset by their attack-or ready to fight back.

The 11 worst “practical” advices Lifehacker readers have ever received

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