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Tasting Notes: Global Food App Too GoodtoGo Lands in Edmonton

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There’s a new food app in town, but that’s not what you think.

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Too Good to Go doesn’t help you find the food you’re looking for, but it helps save city food waste and save money in the process. The app does this by handing items that restaurants and bakeries usually throw away at the end of the day to the customer for one-third of the price.The ideas behind the app can be traced back to a group of friends in Copenhagen, Denmark.

“They were eating at a buffet that was about to close. When they were watching, employees brought in a trash can and started throwing the leftover food into the trash can,” said Too GoodToGo Operations Manager, Canada. Sam Kashani says. He talks during the launch of the app Edmonton on Wednesday. “They looked at their plate and then looked up and said,” Hey, that’s the food I was just eating, and you’re throwing it away. “

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As a result, five friends launched Too Good to Go in 2015 and have been featured in various European countries. The app was brought to Canada last summer and eventually appeared in Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Quebec City. Today in Edmonton, it is already used in over 100 local food and convenience stores such as Neo Juicery, Sugared and Spiced, Paradiso Pastries and Meewlys. Kashani says he is also discussing adding products to the product with several large chains.

Participants offer a “surprise bag” of whatever is available at the end of the night, so there are no options associated with free apps.

“Cracker is common,” says Bryan Sali, manager of Meulys. “There are mustards and jams, and sometimes meat products. Homemade products such as exciting bacon jams and homemade applesauce.”

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While every city always has some facilities that ensure that end-of-night products are in the hands of people, Too GoodtoGo adds smartphones to the equation. The app charges a small service fee per transaction, but consumers pay a fraction of their normal cost directly to the grocery store. As Kashani points out, it’s good for customers, for business, and especially for the planet. As an additional bonus, users can try new places they haven’t visited yet.

“Use this app to get a surprise bag with tart and chocolate croissants, and if you really like it, I recommend trying butter croissants during the day,” Kasani said. say. “This is seen by 76% of users. They experiment and try food from new facilities and then return as full-paying customers.”

But the main goal is not to have a trash can, but to have food that is completely edible in the hands of people.

“It’s also our philosophy,” says Sari. “Now that our cheese shop has returned home to visit his family in India, it really helped us in our cheese selection. Previously we were able to change cheese to other types of cheese. But basically I had to throw it away when it expired. The problem is that when the cheese approaches the expiration date, we all know that it just makes it better. You can’t sell it in retail stores, but with this app you can at least have others enjoy it. “


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Tasting Notes: Global Food App Too GoodtoGo Lands in Edmonton

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