Survey Finds Consumers Have Conflicting Beliefs About Digital Privacy Protection
Canadian consumers hold conflicting beliefs about who should be held responsible for protecting their digital privacy, with 41% believing businesses should be held responsible and 25% believing that businesses should be held responsible, according to a new GetApp survey. should be the federal government.
Additionally, just over 60% of consumers indicated they were unsure whether Canada has comprehensive legislation governing data privacy.
Privacy is important to many Canadians. In fact, 79% of respondents reported taking into account a company’s data privacy practices before doing business with them. The survey also showed that 46% of respondents firmly believe that how companies treat their data reflects how they treat them as customers.
Respondents vary in their willingness to share data. 67% are willing to share information if it means a better, more efficient product or service, and 65% are willing to provide information if it leads to a more customized product.
However, this percentage will be lower depending on the company asking for it. Only about half of respondents are confident that the personal data they share with online businesses is safe. When judging a company’s trustworthiness, most consumers look to regulatory compliance and clear communication, both in how their data is used and protected.
When asked if they would be willing to share their opinion through product ratings and reviews, 49% of Canadian consumers said they were “very happy” and 39% said the same about demographic information. . Not surprisingly, however, 45% of respondents were very reluctant to provide financial information.
Survey Finds Consumers Have Conflicting Beliefs About Digital Privacy Protection
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