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Suicide prevention lifelines are getting new numbers

The images in the article titled Suicide Prevention Lifeline are getting a new number

Photo: Jacob Lund ((((Shutterstock).

People Suicide prevention lifelineYou can contact us at 1-800-273-8255, but after July 16th, it will be an easy-to-remember number. The old number will continue to work, but you will be able to connect to the service after the switch. Call 988. (This is the whole number. It’s a special code like 911.)

This switch is due to the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act. The law also allocates funds to LGBTQ youth professional services, which have a higher risk of mental health problems and suicide than heterosexuals.Washington post Report Details about who gets this money and how it’s spent haven’t been revealed yet, but at least the phone number changes are expected to happen on time.

Depending on your current location, you may already be able to use 988. July 16th is the deadline for all phone providers to implement new numbers.

What happens if I call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline?

First, the call is routed to one of the 200 crisis management centers that make up the network. (Use the area code of the phone you are calling to connect to a nearby center.) If you want to hear Recording preview Menu options (1 for veterans, 2 if you want to talk to someone who speaks Spanish), Here is the guide It guides you through it.

Lifelines are more than just suicide — yIf you’re facing any mental health crisis, you can call (but if you’re not at risk and want someone to talk to you, you may actually be looking for a warmline. there is. You can find the warmline number here). If you are worried that someone you know may be thinking about suicide and you need to find a way to help them, you can also call.

When the phone is connected, talk to a trained crisis counselor. This is a free-form conversation without a routine script. Their goal is to be safe and give you control over the overall situation.they It may help you make a safety plan, or it may encourage you to contact your friends or other resources available to you. They may arrange a follow-up call later. They may be able to send a counselor to your home with your consent.

They too May I’ll call the police They say this is a rare event (“Less than 3%” of calls) And done as a last resort when someone is trying to hurt themselves or others.

Suicide prevention lifelines are getting new numbers

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