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Seven things science doesn’t really prove are healthy or unhealthy

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Photo: Ievgenii Meyer ((((Shutterstock).

I start with the controversial question of whether a glass of wine with a supper is healthy.If anything bad, it’s heavy drinking, but in recent years, some studies have shown that moderate drinking is Like drinking a glass of wine with a supperIt may be healthier than not drinking. (French people obviously don’t suffer from heart disease as much as other nationalities.)

“In fact, drinking wine is healthy!” It has been terribly repeated because it is a powerful argument for many of us.But Another study involving 371,463 people True light and moderate drinkers are less likely to get hearth illness than those who are completely refraining from alcohol, but that it is not due to “antioxidants” such as wine. is showing. That’s because those people are generally more likely to have healthier habits than both tea totalers and drunks. When these other factors are excluded from the equation, the positive effect of wine on heart health disappears.

of course,”French paradoxControls “saturated fat intake, serum cholesterol, blood pressure, and smoking prevalence” and indicates that French wine drinkers are “relatively immune” to ischemic heart disease. After all, it seems most accurate to say that the psychological consequences of drinking a glass of wine with a supper are probably drowned out by millions of other things you do when you’re not eating supper.

Seven things science doesn’t really prove are healthy or unhealthy

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