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Seven of the most common irrational horrors (and seven things we should be afraid of instead)

Don’t be afraid to fly …

Image of an article titled 7 of the Most Common Unreasonable Horrors (and 7 Things We Should Fear Instead)

Photo: diy13 ((((Shutterstock).

Everyone knows that air travel is incredibly safe —Definitely * the safest means of transportation ever invented. yet, 40 percent of Americans Report at least some fear of flying. Eating Chex Mix casually in the air at 40,000 feet can be unnatural, so we cannot completely overcome anxiety and distrust. have understood.. However, choosing an alternative to air travel actively reduces safety.

* I say “almost certainly”. Gondola project website, Cable cars, gondola and ropeways may be safer than planes. (Someone has to calculate the number to solve it completely.) Sadly, I still can’t catch the fast cable car to Las Vegas on the weekend.

Seven of the most common irrational horrors (and seven things we should be afraid of instead)

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