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Seven deadly sins to learn how to cook

Image of an article titled The Seven Deadly Sins to Learn How to Cook

Photo: Gresei ((((Shutterstock).

Contains garlic All, But that can be daunting. It cooks very fast and the burnt garlic tastes like ass, so when you screw it in, you have to throw the whole sad, bitter mess into the trash Up.

Many recipes aim to inject the flavor of garlic into the oil, so even if the recipe requires high heat, you can heat the oil and garlic over low heat to make it a little mellow.

Lifehacker’s Spicy Senior Food Editor Claire Lower is all about garlic, And she pointed out to me that if you’re cooking on high heat like a wok, add garlic for enough time to release the aromatics, remove it and add it again later. did. But don’t burn the garlic, whether it’s overheated or cooked slowly.

Seven deadly sins to learn how to cook

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