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Seven deadly sins of car maintenance

Image of an article titled The Seven Deadly Sins of Car Maintenance

Photo: Antonio Gillem ((((Shutterstock).

Your car’s computer monitors hundreds of issues and systems, but there may be issues where it is not detected. So you need to listen to your car.Smell, feel the vibration, and touch it. soul..Well, maybe it’s a little more, but IIf your car is making a new noise — rattling, squeaking, “Ga-GronkGa-GronkIf you turn left, have a mechanic look at it. If you start to smell something strange, you may have spilled yogurt at that time, but there may be a problem with the catalytic converter. Some problems can manifest themselves as changes in the way a car is driven. Lack of acceleration, more fuel use than usual, vibrations, violent shifts, or pop-outs can all indicate something is wrong. Do not ignore these signs and precursors.

Seven deadly sins of car maintenance

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