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Psychological Mind Tricks That Actually Work

Image from article titled Psychological Mind Tricks That Actually Work

Photo: Fizke (shutter stock)

Despite the illusion of independence and control, it is possible to manipulate people using various psychological tricks. The entire advertising and marketing industry is what it’s built for. But delving into supposed psychological tricks often leads to a lot of pseudoscience and dubious claims. But while it is true that you will not immediately control minds or hypnotize people into doing your bidding, that is Psychological tricks that actually work and are backed by scientific evidence.

If you’re looking to give yourself a little edge in your everyday life, here are some mental tricks that actually work.

create a debt

If you want someone to do something for you and they object, you can do something for yourself to create debt. they first time. this is, norms of reciprocity—basically, the pressure people feel to return the favor. A simple example of this is if you were stopped at a traffic light and someone cleaned your windshield and asked for a tip. did not do it listen They clean your windshield, but when they’re done, you feel the pressure to go back and forth.

This liability can be created in a number of ways. Restaurant servers write personal notes on bills to create goodwill debts and encourage bigger tips. We know that using the product will make you feel indebted and reluctant to cancel or return the item. The next time you need someone to do something and you feel they are reluctant, do something for it. they And increase your chances of success.


yes, used Andy Bernard office It’s a legitimate psychological trick backed by science.personality mirroring, or chameleon effect, is when we unconsciously imitate the postures, attitudes and other behaviors of the people around us. We all tend to do this because of the “perception-behavior link” that observing a behavior makes us more likely to repeat it.

You can use this to your advantage by consciously mimicking the people you are trying to influence and matching their mannerisms and other behaviors. Because it reminds you of yourself, it makes you appear more authoritative and trustworthy.


Are you trying to get someone to do something?try Door in the Face (DITF) technology. To use this trick, first ask your target to do something much harder or outrageous than what they really want. A target is definitely something to deny. Then go back and ask your original desire. Thanks to the DITF, they are much more likely to agree. DITF deviates from the aforementioned reciprocity norm (the technique gets its name from the concept of people slamming doors in the face of a pushy salesperson). When you downgrade what you want, you unconsciously perceive it as a concession and create a liability. People will have a strong urge to erase their debt by agreeing to your “less” demands.


If you’re trying to convince someone of something, one of the most powerful psychological tricks is to iteration biasBasically, the more often a statement is repeated, the more valid and true it is. In other words, the more you repeat information, even if it’s blatantly untrue or inaccurate, the more likely it is that people will start believing you. This willfantasy truth effectand the last few years have shown how powerful it can be, even when dealing with vast populations with access to factual information. Just repeat often.

imply scarcity

of rarity principle It is one of the most common examples of blatant psychological trickery we encounter on a daily basis. Whenever you see an ad that promises a limited amount of time or quantity, you are using the scarcity effect. It’s easy to see why this works. We tend to place more value on what we consider to be rare. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is heightened when opportunities are said to be short-lived or of limited supply, leading to an almost instinctive desire to avoid them.

This is most useful in marketing products, but you can also use this trick in other ways. You can direct it.

speak with confidence

Paying attention to your vocabulary choices when speaking can have a huge impact on how you are perceived and how often people do what you want. Then, “hedge” it with phrases like “I think” or “I’m not 100% sure…”. Unreliable.

On the other hand, using confident phrases like “I know” or “I believe” will make your point seem more authoritative. In other words, your statements may be as dubious as they were before, but people are more likely to believe you because you are speaking with confidence.

use name

If you feel that someone’s attention is drawn away from you, or if you want to make sure they’re focused on you no matter what’s going on around you, try using that person’s name. Please. According to science, hearing our names meanscocktail party effectThis explains how we instinctively filter out all other stimuli when we hear something interesting. Also, my name definitely causes this effect.

As such, salespeople are typically trained to repeat your name frequently when offering pitches. You can use this simple technique to help people pay attention and feel involved when you speak. You may not even notice why you didn’t notice the other person in the room when you were talking.


If you’re trying to build a trusting relationship with someone, you can use something called “affinity” to trick people into trusting you. Familiarity is the feeling of familiarity that people have who are accustomed to seeing you all the time. The more “present” you are in life, the more likely they are to feel close to you and trust you.

for example, experiment was conducted Four women pretended to be students in class. The women didn’t interact with other students at all, they just showed up. The impostors attended varying numbers of classes and at the end of the semester showed other students the pictures and asked for their opinion. The women who attended the most classes, or the most “attended,” evoked a higher level of familiarity, even though they weren’t talking to anyone.


One of the trickiest mind tricks is spontaneous transfectionIn a nutshell, this means people tend to see you with the adjectives you use Other people.

So if you want someone to see you as smart, start calling others smart. If you want to appear confident or attractive, use those terms to describe others. Remember that this works in reverse as well. If you spend your days grumpy and insulting others, people around you may start to view you very negatively.


Want to influence people? Try a subliminal touch. Subliminal touching is to casually build interpersonal relationships while interacting with someone. It has been shown that with just a light touch on your arm or shoulder, your partner instantly feels warm to you. We often hear this advice in the context of dating and romance, but it’s a powerful mind trick whenever you’re trying to be perceived in a positive light. Research conducted by the University of Mississippi and Rhodes College It turns out that restaurant waitresses who lightly touch customers receive far more tips.

No real mind control, but you can give yourself some advantages by using these real real mind tricks.Keep in mind others are probably using these same tricks you.

Psychological Mind Tricks That Actually Work

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