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Police investigative agencies found near the Chinatown site exacerbated the assault

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Edmonton police are investigating after the body was found in an area of ​​exacerbated assault in Chinatown Wednesday afternoon.

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Talking to the Edmonton Police Commission on Thursday, Edmonton Police Chief Dale McPhee said police officers were nearby while police were investigating an assault at Albert’s car body shop in the area of ​​106 Avenue and 96 Street. He said he was knocking on the doors of another company.

“We just came across another person, and let’s just say that the murder took over the investigation,” McAfee said.

McAfee also said that the victims of the exacerbated assault were “not expected to achieve it.”

Police were called to the car body shop on Wednesday after 4 pm to report the assault.

When they arrived, they were seriously injured and immediately found an individual who needed medical attention.

They were taken to the hospital in a critical and unstable state.

One was detained.

— — Using Madeline Smith’s files

I will come more.

Edmonton police were investigating the murder on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at Universal Electronic & Video (10543-98 Street) in the Chinatown district of downtown Edmonton. Photo by Larry Wong / /Post media

Police investigative agencies found near the Chinatown site exacerbated the assault

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