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Ontario Elections: Zrinsky — “Our rural community is about to undergo major changes.”

Citizens invited local candidates in the June 2 election and told voters what they would like to do for horseback riding if elected. Today: Carleton is on the green party candidate Cody Zulinski.

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Citizens invited local candidates to the Ontario elections on June 2 and told voters what they wanted to do, especially for their horse riding if elected. Some responded by our deadline, and we are pleased to share the pitch of those people.Carleton Riding Green Party Candidate Today Cody Zrinsky:
My name is Cody Zrinsky. He is a candidate for Carlton of the Ontario Greens. I am a high school teacher, writer, and former politician secretary to Stittsville councilor Shad Kadri.

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While working at the city hall, I was surprised to see the post-development development of Stittsville coming. In just 10 years, the population of one of Ottawa’s fastest growing wards is expected to double and grow again in 20 years.

For many, this was a welcome change. It provided a new home for a beautiful community. But for the inhabitants who have lived here for a long time, the urban sprawl phenomenon threatened the rich cultural heritage of what they called their hometown, such as green spaces and heritage.

Shea Woods is just one example of a place where cities are ready for demolition and development, where they had to fight long and hard for protection. In the end, only 5 hectares were saved for those who enjoyed it as an informal dog run.

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The Bradley-Craig barn is another very important place. In short, it reminds us of the community’s rural heritage that residents had to fight to maintain conservation and restoration.

But what happens when the development of Stittsville is complete?

Our local community is about to undergo major political changes. Highways and developments cannot continue to be built through major agricultural lands, green spaces and waterways. Ontario is losing farmland at an astonishing rate of 175 acres a day.

Driving on horseback riding in southern Ottawa in Carlton, it can be difficult to find a farm owned by a local who works hard to contribute to the politically overlooked agriculture.

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Fortunately, Greens is currently working to freeze the boundaries of the city to prevent the loss of farmland for non-agricultural uses. New homes are undoubtedly essential to mitigate our housing crisis, but Greens has plans to take advantage of the space we already have to build smarter and more connected communities. ..

I’ve talked to local farmers, but that’s not the only challenge they’re experiencing. It is difficult to attract young talent to engage in these jobs. Therefore, Greens provides education and gives students the opportunity to encourage students to enter the agrifood business. We also pay farmers for the Green Initiative.

We underestimate how much we depend on local farmers. It’s easy for city people to close their eyes when they hear about yet another $ 1 billion development or the pavement of a highway through green space somewhere else, but it’s not sustainable. What we need is a voice at Queen’s Park to stand up for everyone.

Read the actions of other candidates in this riding

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Ontario Elections: Zrinsky — “Our rural community is about to undergo major changes.”

Source link Ontario Elections: Zrinsky — “Our rural community is about to undergo major changes.”

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