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Need to get rid of Jill from Portobello mushrooms?

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Photo: spicyPXL ((((Shutterstock).

My sister is afraid of mushrooms, especially gills. This is a bit annoying and very interesting. As someone who likes to feed her family (including this sister), it’s boring to render mushrooms beyond the point of recognizability. As an older sibling, this phobia offers many opportunities for the older sibling Heizink. (It’s also An efficient way to get her out of the kitchen — just flip the mushrooms over the gills and push them in her general direction. )

Fortunately for my sister, the scariest parts of mushrooms (again, their gills) can be removed very easily.

What are those gills?

Unlike fish gills, which help fish take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide Mushroom gills (also known as “lamellas”) are the dispersal and identification of spores (mushrooms probably don’t care). These thin, paper-like “ribs”, believed to have evolved as a way to increase surface area and thus the number of spores that can be dispersed, are technically edible, but everyone enjoys them in food. It does not mean.

Do I need to remove them?

Whether or not to remove the mushroom gills depends on what you are cooking and whether you like their taste. One of the main dissents against mushroom gills is aesthetics. If left untreated, the dish can become dark and cloudy, and depending on its freshness, it tends to be stronger, musty and slightly bitter.according to Serious mealThe fresh gills “must be dry and hold it in the light will give a faint pinkish tint. If it looks dark black or wet, the mushroom is over its prime. . “

I don’t care about baby Bella’s gills, but fully grown and mature Portobelo’s gills can be a bit more and muddy, especially if served as part of a large dish. The gills may contain sand or sand, which can be easily removed by rinsing.

How to remove them

If you decide to remove the gills from the Portobello mushrooms, all you need is a spoon. Remove the woody stalks, chop them into small pieces and cook with the rest of the dish, or store for vegetable stock. Take a discreet tablespoon (not a tablespoon), gently insert the chips under the edge of the gills and pry them open with chunks. After removing the gills, rinse the cap quickly and cook as usual. (To get the best results Omit oil and fat Until you achieve a nice sheer. Believe this. )

Need to get rid of Jill from Portobello mushrooms?

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