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Steve Kanelakos resigns as mayor ahead of LRT’s investigative report.

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Veteran mayor Steve Kanelakos resigned from his position at City Hall on Monday.

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It was a sudden retirement after decades of work at City Hall, and one that Kanelakos saw as appropriate ahead of the release of the state’s findings on Ottawa’s LRT system.

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Kanelakos said in a letter to all city officials that was released to the media that he told the mayor on Monday that it would be his last day in the position he has held since 2016.

“I’m sure there’s speculation at this point as to the reason for my departure. This decision is mine and mine alone. No one asked me to leave.”

Kanellakos’ departure comes two days before the new city council’s first regular meeting and also by a commission leading a state-initiated investigation that is plagued by problems with Ottawa’s LRT system. It takes place before the release of the final report.

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I have always been a deep believer in accountability for leaders. As Mayor, I am ultimately responsible for the performance of my organization. I have always believed deeply that my role is to assist you and that it is my duty to accept ultimate responsibility for our performance.

Kanelakos said he had no prior knowledge of what it would find and what it would recommend, but said, “Based on the questions and approaches taken by the commission, the report is critical of the city of Ottawa and the city. I’m sure the staff.

“Nevertheless, I know that the city staff did their best under very difficult circumstances to ensure that the light rail system met all our expectations.”

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Kanellakos returned to Ottawa to serve as mayor in 2016 after leaving the same position in Vaughan for about a year. Prior to taking up the GTA position, Kanelakos served as Deputy Mayor from 2004 until he held the position in 2015.

In his resignation letter, he stated his beliefs: Observations of the Commission Report. “

Kanellakos was among those who testified before the LRT Commission during televised hearings in mid-June and early July as part of an investigation into conditions that led to derailments and breakdowns along the Confederation Line. did.

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As city administrator, Kanellakos’ authority extended to project decisions including contract negotiation, approval, execution, provision, modification and extension.

In his letter of departure, Kanellakos reflected on the “amazing achievements” that the staff have made in their seven years in top local government positions, and how they have survived numerous crises.

“The people who work in the City of Ottawa allowed me to get up and go to work every day. The respect and longing for everyone is endless.

“Thank you for the support you have given me over the years.

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I’m going to go for a long walk…”

He is a two-time graduate of Carleton University with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Public Administration. Kanelakos began his career in 1989 as Chief of the former Gloucester City Police Department. He then moved to the role of General Manager of the City’s Emergency and Protection Services in Ottawa in 1995. He became Chief of the Carlton Regional Police Department. He was born in Ottawa in 2000. Since then, apart from his stay in Vaughan, he has remained a member of the city’s leadership.


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Steve Kanelakos resigns as mayor ahead of LRT’s investigative report.

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