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Management Dos and Don’ts, According to HR Experts

Image from an article titled The Dos and Don'ts of Managing, according to HR experts

Photo: Fizke (shutter stock)

your relationship With my boss, I can decide almost every aspect of my work.include your workload, job satisfaction, When overall career prospectsMany of them can seem out of control given the power difference. There “to manage” Comes in: Management up is the process of proactive management. your relationships and responsibilities You and boss.

As Amy Draydermanagement consultant and owner Growth Partners Consultingrecently wrote blog post“Management is about making the most of your most important relationship at work: your relationship with your boss.” this does not mean to smokeHowever building a productive relationship with your boss their learning management styleWhen actively Match your work style to their work style To build more productive working relationships. as a draider describe,”eEmployees have a lot of power in making choices and taking actions that positively impact their relationships with their bosses and improve their satisfaction. ”

How to manage effectively

as a draider suggest, there are some specific actions that can help improve your relationship with your boss.These management “do’s” also include getting a sense of their preferences so that you can adapt your style. Ask clarifying questions and see what their expectations are. Express your sincere thanks when appropriate.

These recommendations are especially important if your boss lacks managerial experience, is unorganized, or has a heavy workload. Because your boss is probably struggling just like you.

what to avoid

Management up is about building a better, more productive relationship with your boss. Luke Wiesner, conflict resolution coach at UC Merced, writes: blog post, there are some strategies to avoid, such as not supervising your boss. Don’t go over their heads. Don’t try to change your management style.

as a draider advice, It’s also important not to take things personally —Especially if you have a boss who is a micro-manager, you should avoid ignoring your own needs, which can happen when you have a particularly difficult relationship with your boss. “Depending on your boss, management may seem frustrating, labor intensive, or serving your boss’s ego,” she says. “But try to put yourself in their shoes. What’s it like to work with someone whose style matches yours? Pretty cool, right? You will probably feel a greater sense of trust.get you This is the core of teamwork and collaboration, and exactly what management is trying to achieve. ”

Management Dos and Don’ts, According to HR Experts

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