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Make Jalapeno Popper Charcuterie Bites with Pizza Dough

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Photo: Allie Shanthorn Lineman

Among the many important social-shaping innovations (PlayStation, texting, tickling Elmo) that the 90s brought us, the jalapeno popper is unfairly overlooked. Since then, we’ve followed the decades of hearts and cream cheese-baked tongues, replacing pepper cores with spreadable cheese and covering them with an assortment of bread crumbs. Nod to our adorable chili legenos and make a jalapeno popper charcuterie bite.

I like to host one or two food-centric get-togethers a year and am always on the lookout for hand-held, low-confusion, delicious snacks with a penchant for the novelty on the menu. I’m here.Expect top hits such as yellowtail, olives and sliced ​​baguette, but also cayenne-spiced persimmons, rosemary-and-fig crackers, or Stir-fried Garlic Cheese BallsThe concept of jalapeno poppers is straightforward. Remove the jalapeno seeds and fill the cavity with cream cheese. Coat the spicy fruit with bread crumbs. Bake or fry it—but I was looking for a more cheeseboard-friendly switch-up and dialed up the carbs. It’s also a great conversation starter and my favorite conversation is about food.

To make this appetizer, I started with 20 ounces of thawed pizza dough. I grabbed a frozen package from the grocery store and thawed it in the fridge overnight, but it works just as well with fresh or homemade pizza dough. I used kitchen scissors). I wanted two small pieces of bread, but please adjust the size to your liking. Flatten a piece of dough and dab on a little cream cheese (about 1/4 teaspoon) and 1 or 2 sliced ​​pickled jalapenos. Wrap the edges of the filling and squeeze them together to create a small purse-shaped dough ball. here are the best videos Anyone have ever made one. Ok, that’s me. ) Flip them over and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Let the poppers ferment for 30 minutes and bake for 10 minutes. MeBrush with olive oil if desired and sprinkle with garlic salt.

After cooling for a few minutes, make a cut in the top of each ball. Cut only the top half in half to reveal all the cheese and pepper filling inside. Roll it into a dainty meat rosette).

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Photo: Allie Shanthorn Lineman

The resulting appetizer is a complete star. A perfect cheese board charcuterie bite. The pizza dough is soft and the garlic is slightly effective. A salute to the jalapeno popper is obvious. A bite of vinegar and spice from pickled peppers, followed immediately by soothing cream cheese. But it’s the salami slices that top the snacks. The salty, fatty, and peppery cured meats are the elements that make the whole bread feel more like a savory luxury.

Style this appetizer apart for an interactive noshing experience! Place the poppers next to each other (or in a cake tin for a circular look) instead of separating them on a sheet tray. It connects to each other to provide a soft-sided bun.

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Photo: Allie Shanthorn Lineman

Jalapeno Poppers Charcuterie Bites

Yield: about 40-45 bytes


  • 16-20 oz pizza dough (thawed)
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • Jared jalapeno peppers (I like Mezzetta)
  • 45 slices of salami (or 1 slice per popper)
  • olive oil and garlic salt (optional)

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Divide the dough into chunks about 1 tablespoon each.Flatten each piece and spread 1/4 teaspoon cream cheese over center. Add 1-2 jalapenos.o Slices on top (if rings are too big, chop or break them). Pinch the filling around and edges together to create a small purse. Flip over, seam down, and line the balls in the sheet tray about 1 inch apart from each other. Prove, cover, 30 minutes.

Image from article titled

Photo: Allie Shanthorn Lineman

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit while it rises.

Bake in a 400°F oven for 10-12 minutes. * Brush with olive oil and sprinkle garlic salt over the surface. Cut open the top half and place a slice of salami inside to garnish. Serve hot or at room temperature. Leftovers can be refrigerated for up to 4 days and frozen for up to 1 month without salami. To revive, place on a sheet pan and bake at 350°F for 10 minutes.

*If preparing to pull apart, bake for a few more minutes until all tops are browned and the center ones are firm.

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Photo: Allie Shanthorn Lineman

Make Jalapeno Popper Charcuterie Bites with Pizza Dough

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