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Major changes have been made to the Facebook feed

Major changes will soon be added to the Facebook experience, starting the moment you open the app.

[ホーム]Tab is displayed. From here, you’ll access the short-form video features Reel and Stories. It’s also where Facebook displays content recommended by automated systems. Think of Home as Facebook’s answer to TikTok’s “For You” page.

So where are all your friends? It’s under a new tab called Feed.

According to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook’s parent company Meta, feeds are a place to keep up with the latest updates from friends, pages and groups.

Posts will be in chronological order, he said.

Where can I find my Facebook feed?

The feed is displayed as a tab on the shortcut bar. On iOS, this bar is at the bottom of the app. On Android, it’s at the top.

The tabs on the shortcut bar change based on the tab you use most often. You can also pin the tab to the shortcut bar.

You can also specify the people and communities you care about most in your Favorites list to see only their content.

When will Facebook roll out homes and feeds?

Home and feeds will be available to some Facebook users on Thursday and to all Facebook users next week.

Why does Facebook change? (Think TikTok)

Why does Facebook change? It looks like TikTok.

Facebook’s last feed refresh was in 2018 when CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated that social media platforms would prioritize “meaningful social interaction.”

Now Facebook is doing it again to counter the growing threat of competition on TikTok. Efforts to make Instagram like TikTok aren’t popular with everyone.

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Major changes have been made to the Facebook feed

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