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Last Mile Autonomous Delivery of Teksbotics and Alshrouq Pilots in Saudi Arabia

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Teksbotics and Alshrouq Express has begun piloting last mile autonomous delivery at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). The purpose of the project is to design and build a cost-effective autonomous delivery vehicle for last mile delivery for e-commerce delivery with the support of the National Digital Unit (NDU) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Hong Kong, May 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teksbotics is a Hong Kong-based self-driving solution provider. The company helps customers automate their transportation, delivery and patrol tasks. For this project, Teksbotics has partnered with a logistic partner in Saudi Arabia – Alshrouq Express, one of the best last mile shipping companies We serve Amazon.com and Noon.com.

In this pilot project, a dedicated last mile delivery vehicle (UNO Commuter) was designed and developed by Teksbotics according to the requirements collected in Saudi Arabia. Self-driving cars are equipped with mechanical riders, semi-solid state riders, cameras, dGPS, and in-vehicle driving control units. We provide daily last mile delivery service from KAUST’s campus mail room to KAUST Island Residence Area.

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“This project will give residents a better understanding of how they respond to autonomous deliveries and how their user experience and acceptance will be,” Alshrouq Express CEO Ahmad Khanfar said in a statement. I am. “We look forward to how autonomous delivery can work with Alshrouq to meet the needs of us and our customers.”

Teksbotics Is a self-driving solution provider based in Hong Kong. The company uses autonomous driving and AI technology to help customers automate their transportation, delivery and patrol tasks.

For more information, please contact berry.leung@teksbotics.com.

Related images

Image 1: Last mile delivery in Saudi Arabia

Use the QR code or one-time password to open the relevant box to receive the item.

Image 2: Last mile delivery vehicle

Outdoor delivery robot delivers goods around the campus

This content was published through Newswire.com’s press release distribution service.


Last Mile Autonomous Delivery of Teksbotics and Alshrouq Pilots in Saudi Arabia

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