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Jason Kenny meets Jason Kenny in Washington, DC

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Prime Minister Jason Kenny invited a special guest to the Canadian Embassy in Washington on Monday.

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For years, a man named Jason Kenny from Richmond, Virginia (Twitter handle) @jasonkenney) Twitter user mistaken for a Canadian politician with the same name (Twitter handle) @jkenney).

Virginia Kenny has been doing everything well for years, as Twitter users who were dissatisfied with politicians mistakenly sent criticisms.

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On May 16th, when the premiere was in Washington, DC, a pair who just crossed the path via social media actually encountered.

Prime Minister Kenny met with another Kenny at the Canadian Embassy. Then he tweeted (of course) the photo.

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The premiere joked that photography should eliminate social media mix-ups “once”.

Kenny, Virginia, also sent photos to his approximately 9,000 followers. Many are Canadians who want to read his quip when he is mistaken for a premiere.

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Nothing was said about what the pair had discussed at the embassy, ​​but non-politician Kenny expressed one regret this morning as people responded to the meeting on Twitter.

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Jason Kenny meets Jason Kenny in Washington, DC

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