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Japanese factory mood in May is no longer optimistic-Reuters Tankan

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TOKYO — Japanese manufacturer’s business

Corporate sentiment has fallen to its lowest since February 2021

While suffering from increasing cost pressure

The mood of the service department has improved to a height of more than 2 years

Reuters Tankan polls showed.

Reuters Tankan index measurements are derived by subtraction

Percentage of respondents who answered that they were in poor condition

Those who say they are good.Positive reading means that

Optimists outnumber pessimists.

Below are the major sectors

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Comparison with the Bank of Japan’s Quarterly Tankan Survey:


August (f’cast) May April March February January December

================================================= =============

Manufacturer (+3) +5 +11 +8 +6 +17 +22


(Material) (-12) -2 +3 -6 +6 +13 +25

– Textile / Paper (-20) 0 -20 -40 -20 -9 0

– Chemicals (0) +12 +6 +19 +26 +47 +56

– Petroleum refining / ceramic (-14) -14 +13 -12 +25 0 +11

– Steel / Nonferrous Metals (-20) -20 +9 -9 -18 -9 +9

(Industrial products) (+9) +9 +15 +16 +6 +20 +21

– Food (+9) 0 +8 +9 -9 +27 +9

– Metal products / machinery (+26) +35 +41 +24 +20 +38 +26

– Electrical machinery (0) 0 0 +16 +14 +14 +27

– Car / Transportation Equipment (-13) -40 -36 -14 -29 -17 0

– Precision Machinery / Others (+15) +38 +29 +38 +16 +20 +25

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================================================= =============

Non-manufacturer (+12) +13 +8 -1 +3 +8 +6


– Real Estate / Construction (-26) -20 -14 -10 -9 -9 -9 -5

– Retail / Wholesale (+5) +14 +11 -3 +13 +14 +13

– Wholesaler (+15) +31 +27 +12 +12 +33 +33

– Retailer (-6) -6 -6 -16 +13 0 -5

– Information / Communication (+67) +54 +50 +59 +54 +46 +54

– Transport / Utility (+27) +21 +10 +10 +5 +9 +5

– Other services (0) 0 -3 -26 -23 -8 -16

================================================= =============

*** Comparison with Bank of Japan Tankan ***

================================================= =============

Manufacturer Non-manufacturer



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August 2022 (Forecast) +3 – +12 –

July- – – –

June – (+9) – (+7)

May +5 – +13 –

April +11 – +8 –

March +8 + 14-1 +9

February + 6 – + 3 –

January +17 – +8 –

December 2021 +22 + 17 + 6 +10

November + 13 – +1 –

October + 16 – -1 –

September +18 + 18-2 +2

August +33 – +5 –

July +25 – -3 –

June + 22 + 140 +1

May +21 – +2 –

April +13 – -3 –

March + 6 + 5-5 -1

February + 3 – -7 –

January 1st – -11th –

December 2020-9-10-4-5

November -13 – -13 –

October-26 – -16 –


August-33 – -23 –

July -44 – -26 –

June-46-34-32 -17

May -44 – -36 –

April-30 – -23 –

March-20-8-10 + 8

February-5 – +15 –

January 6 – +14 –

December 2019-60 +14 +20

November-9 – +12 –

October-5 – +25 –

September-7 + 5 + 19 +21

August 4 – +13 –

July +3 – +25 –

June + 6 + 7 + 22 +23

May +12 – +27 –

April +8 – +24 –

March + 10 + 12 + 22 +21

February +13 – +22 –

January +18 – +31 –


(Report by Daniel Leussink)


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Japanese factory mood in May is no longer optimistic-Reuters Tankan

Source link Japanese factory mood in May is no longer optimistic-Reuters Tankan

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