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Is West Nile virus getting worse again?

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Photo: Stecro (shutter stock)

West Nile virus has been found in record numbers of mosquitoes in the New York City area, with at least two known human outbreaks. If you haven’t experienced the Great Panic on the West Nile nearly 20 years ago, you may be wondering what this disease is and whether you should be concerned.

What is West Nile virus?

West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and can infect other animals, including birds and horses, in addition to humans. Most people who get the virus have no symptoms. About 20% develop fever and flu-like symptoms, but in rare cases (CDC estimates her 1 in 150), the virus can cause more severe neurological symptoms.

In these more severe cases, the brain or its membranes may become inflamed. Symptoms include neck stiffness, confusion, weakness, spasms, numbness, decreased vision, and paralysis. One of her 10 critically ill patients in the West Nile could die.

What’s wrong with the West Nile?

The virus and the mosquito that carries it are present throughout the continental United States.Based on historical data, the region with the highest number of cases occurred in the western half of the country, with the most common being range Run from North Dakota to Colorado.

why is this happening now?

The West Nile was first talked about in the early 2000s, but never really went away.new york city Pointed out by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Warmer temperatures are thought to encourage mosquitoes to breed faster, possibly helping spread the disease.southwestern american weather wetter than usualwhich is good news for mosquitoes and bad news for us.

While the New York findings are now in the news, the West Nile is not the only case. There have already been 12 human cases this year.

what should i do?

As with any mosquito-borne disease, the best way to protect yourself is to avoid being bitten.a good bug spray It is important to include DEET or another EPA-registered pesticide (such as picaridin). You can also use screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home, wear long sleeves and long pants if possible, and use a fan to keep mosquitoes out when you are relaxing on the balcony. increase.

mosquito control is also generally a good idea. Mosquitoes thrive in standing water puddles, so if you have buckets, flower pots, bird baths, pits, or other places where water collects, you should regularly dump them out and clean them up or use a larvicide (aquatic mosquitoes). kill the larvae). Cannot dump.

Is West Nile virus getting worse again?

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