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Is Masturbating Before Texting Your Ex Really Helpful?

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Photo: Tero Vesalainen (shutter stock)

Sometimes you miss your ex. Other times, I miss sex, or think I do. It’s tempting to reach out to someone you already know matches the vibe of the sheets, knows what they like, and is usually physically willing to do it, but it’s always the best idea. Not always. The standard advice here is usually to masturbate, see how you feel afterwards, and then text your old flame. .

Is masturbation the answer?

JO, you can flick the bean and try rubbing one. At the end of that event, we’ll have some answers as to what’s really going on.

‘It’s rare that relationships with ex-boyfriends are all about sexual desire,’ he said Dr. Maggie Vaughan happy apple psychotherapy in New York City. She says what you chalk up to horny is actually a subconscious desire to rekindle an emotional connection, to determine if your ex has moved on, or to gain some form of closure. She said it could be a desire.

If you were able to stop contacting your ex after masturbating, it probably was. just brutality.If not, you should have a serious discussion with yourself before speaking they.

Still want to get in touch?

If atmosphere Or your hands didn’t hold back the impulse this time. You’re not the only one looking for an old partner to roll the hay. In 2013, Researchers studied about 800 young people And it turns out that more than half of them continue to have sexual relations with their ex-boyfriends even after they break up.a learn in 2018 It turns out that it’s actually not always a bad thing: there’s fulfillment, happiness, and even reconciliation that follows a hookup in one-off love. You have to be clear about what you want. You have to be prepared for whatever happens.

“Don’t just want to have sex, ask yourself, ‘What am I releasing emotionally by doing this?'” Certified sex therapist and owner Matt Lachman cleveland sex therapy.If you are on good terms after breaking up with someone, you can definitely date someone who understands the difference between love and sex, but if you find it difficult to distinguish between the two, don’t worry. don’t follow through.

Vaughan suggested asking yourself what you expect to happen, but also consider how likely those outcomes actually are.As Lachman said, if you’re not really good at distinguishing between love and sex, you’ll have to decipher what you really call them.you might be better trying to find someone else to date—and bones—totally. If you go to your ex-boyfriend for comfort or romance and only find physical encounters, you may end up hurting yourself again.

“Contact with an ex, even Instagram stalking, will emotionally pull you back into the relationship and reverse at least some of the healing you’ve done,” warned Vaughan. “If it’s been a painful breakup, it’s probably best to stay out of the relationship until you feel that you’re barely affected by what your ex thinks or what they’re doing.”

So yes, masturbate. If that doesn’t stop you from wanting to connect with them, it’s probably deeper than that — but at least now you have some answers to decide whether or not to pursue them. You can (fake a hookup or not) or just sit this one out.

Is Masturbating Before Texting Your Ex Really Helpful?

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