Is it safe to give melatonin to children?
When you become a parent, you quickly realize the importance of sleep, mainly because your child (and thus you) just doesn’t get it enough. Between the struggle to put your child to sleep at bedtime and the usual night awakening, sleep is one of your most coveted things. Parents often rely on melatonin as a way to help their children fall asleep a little earlier and stay asleep a little longer when nothing else seems to work.If you’re thinking of trying it out, here’s what you need to know..
What does melatonin do?
Melatonin Hormones that regulate the sleep cycle.. At night, when it gets dark, the body raises melatonin levels and helps you fall asleep. Exposure to light, such as during the day, interferes with melatonin production.
You can buy supplements containing synthetically produced melatonin, which are often marketed at local drug stores. Taking melatonin supplements can help with jet lag and certain sleep disorders.
Is it safe to give melatonin to children?
There are many studies that have shown that Melatonin may be safe to use in children.. but, Beth OlahKansas Plainville GP warns, there are still many questions about how well it works, how long it should be used, and what dose should be used.
“My recommendation is always to use the lowest effective dose in the shortest amount of time,” says Oller. “If you can reset your child’s sleep cycle, you may not need to take medication for long periods of time. This is your goal.”
What to do before trying melatonin
Before trying melatonin, you can try other interventions, such as doing regular bedtime routines, making sure your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet, and avoiding electronic devices before bedtime. It is important.
If you try to establish a good sleep routine and it doesn’t work, “parents are advised to consult a pediatrician.” Sandra MacKay, UT Health McGovern Medical School Pediatrician. “Sleep dysfunction can be a symptom of underlying health problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea and more rare ones such as narcolepsy.”
Even with a good bedtime routine, there is still a good chance that your child may need additional help with sleep.Remember, if you decide to try melatonin Regulations are much less stringent than over-the-counter and prescription drugs. This means that dosages and some prescriptions may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
How Much Melatonin Is There Too Much?
and Recent studies from the CDC, Children’s overdose of melatonin is increasing. Between 2012 and 2021, 260,435 pediatric melatonin intakes were reported to the American Association of Poison Control’s National Toxic Data System. This corresponds to a 530% increase. In children under the age of 5, these numbers increased even more dramatically, from 0.6% of cases in 2012 to 4.9% of cases in 2021. This includes 5 hospitalizations and 2 deaths.
When it comes to the right dose for children, American Academy of Pediatrics It is recommended to start by giving the child 0.5-1.0 milligrams 30-90 minutes before bedtime. The dose should not exceed 3-6 milligrams.
Signs of overdose Includes excessive daytime sleepiness, headache, restlessness, upset stomach, diarrhea, or nausea. More serious complications are rare and often require high doses of melatonin. This intake is usually unintentional. For example, if a child mistakes melatonin gummy for a candy. Therefore, it is important to keep the supplement out of reach.
As CDC reportThere is considerable variability in the amount of melatonin found in different batches of the same supplement, with the highest variability being found in chewables, which are often given to children.
This is why it is important to talk to your doctor about giving melatonin to your child, as they can recommend brands you can trust and also suggest the right dose.
Is it safe to give melatonin to children?
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