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Is a full-service mover worth it?Here are some cheaper alternatives to consider:

Image of an article titled Why You Should Stop Recruiting Full-Service Movers

Photo: Alan Badman ((((Shutterstock).

Buying and selling a home is a stressful marathon of endless complexity. But when you finally borrow cash from a wheelbarrow and sign about 1,000 sheets of paper, you can finally relax and enjoy your new home. Haha, of course I can’t. The worst hasn’t come yet. You need to move..

The logistics of moving are bad enough. The cost is different-Moving costs Average $ 1,250 Long-distance travel (1,000 miles) can carry out about $ 5,000 for what is considered a “local” travel.And if you think Recruitment “Full service “ The mover will reduce your burden at least a little, a million horror stories discourage you from that concept: Mthat’s all When they are sitting on your driveway and your entire life is in the box, the price quote changes suddenlyA mover who never appears, is broken, or has lost his belongings A mover who takes yours hostage..

That’s why it’s worth it under consideration Traditional alternative Full service The next time you have to uproot yourself, a mover..May not just save It’s money It also saves you a lot of stress. Here are some alternatives to full-service moving companies.

Just do it yourself

It seems natural. If you don’t want to hire a mover, why not hire yourself?A traditional beer and pizza gathering of friends and family to move you to a new home may be very helpful for a local move when you are relatively young.— But when I say that your friends don’t want to help you get older, and you have to go far, believe me.

Otherwise, you need to upgrade your DIY mobile game to the next level. rent truck yourself— You may have done it in a previous move that relied on the free labor of your exploited friends.But this timeYou can hire Labor too.

Moving labor company Let’s do you Hire people Who will pack and unpack your truck?After packing yourself Rent a truck and a team and pack everything.So You drive Another local team will help you take everything down to your new home.Your cost will be much lower and you Stay in full control of your experience —And yours — all the time Without exploiting friends and family..

use portable storage container

Another option for moving without a mover is to use Portable storage container.. I’ve seen these commercials. When the truck falls from a large metal container and is packed, the truck returns and carries all the junk to the storage facility.Most of these storage companies aren’t even aware of it. They will gladly take your storage container, so it acts as an alternative mover anywhere..

The cost can be a little less than the moving company —Approximately $ 3 per mile, or approximately $ 3,000 for a 1,000-mile transfer —But the big advantage here is time. You don’t have to coordinate your movements like you would in an exact military operation... The storage container arrives and is placed in the old house as long as needed.Can be packed slowly..when finishedIf you call, the container will run out, but if you’re not ready to unpack everything, you can choose to keep it for a while (the storage fee can be lower than the fee charged by the mover). There is sex). Similar services). Then, when ready, deliver the container to your new address. Again, you can take the time to unload. ((((You can still hire Move workers at any end of the process to unpack containers for you in your spare time. )

Cargo trailer

Storage containers are a great idea to move around, but they tend to be on the smaller side.If you have a big house or a lot of houses You may need huge furniture, more fulfilling.In that case you can think Cargo trailer..It’s a kind A trailer that sees a truck carrying on the highway.

Like storage containers, cargo trailers are taken to your property and left there. Unlike storage containers, the schedule for loading a trailer before the company receives the trailer is usually tight. Also, you will be charged by quantity, not weight. In other words, if you fill only half of the trailer, only that part will be paid. What are the drawbacks? The trailer company takes the trailer somewhere and sells the rest of the space.

Another drawback The freight company is not a moving company, it provides zero services and equipment. For example, you need to get a blanket for your furniture and make sure that your furniture is safe and secure. The freight company is literally only responsible for carrying the package from point A to point B. Is that good news?Cargo trailer travel costs Average about $ 2,000, So you Get used to You need to crunch a number, but save a lot of money Take into account the cost of buying something like a furniture blanket or hiring a labor force (unless you’re all DIY).

Is a full-service mover worth it?Here are some cheaper alternatives to consider:

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