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If you want to be a union, work in these industries

If you want to join a union, images of articles titled Working in These Industries

Photo: Anana Mishra Photo ((((Shutterstock).

was Union boom in various industries In the past year, you may not even be aware of the wide variety of companies and industries that now have members (or employees fighting for a union).If you like (or or) the idea of ​​working in a place that benefits from the protection provided by the union Organizing within the current company (I’m not going to challenge), here are some things to consider — including those you might not have thought of.

Trade (including manufacturing, construction and telecommunications)

When you think of trade unions, it probably comes to mind right away. Car workers have a union. Carpenters have a union. Electricians have a union. Even make-up artists and hair stylists have unions. .. There is turmoil, exploitation and uncertainty in every industry, but joining a trade union gives you some protection while making good use of your professional skills.

Public sector

Millions of public sector employees are members of the union. actually, Almost five times as many employees in the public sector are in unions, about five times as many as in the private sector... There are unions for postal workers, firefighters, weather bureau employees, and more. Working in the public sector is rewarding in and of itself, with a special kind of fulfillment, but still enjoys the protection of workers.


The story of “Teacher’s Union” is everywhere in the cable news in the midst of COVID-19 restrictions, and depending on the ideology of the network, the union sounded like a giant bully or a tremendous force.The bottom line is that the teachers’ union Powerful..

These unions (NYSUT, AFT, UFT, etc., which we sometimes hear) represent and defend hundreds of thousands of teachers across the United States. Educators support at low wages, even though they play a major role in shaping our future by guiding children who will one day lead, and perhaps workers in their unions. It is famous for not being done.


Pilots such as JetBlue, Delta and United are integrated through the Airline Pilot Association, which represents more than 64,000 pilots. Recently, these unions have become more prominent as the COVID-19 restrictions have been enforced nationwide. For example, the Southwest Airlines Pilot Association sued the airline last September, alleging violations of federal labor law due to changes in working conditions, changes in rules, and changes in rate of change. The union represents more than 10,000 pilots in the company. The support staff on board the flight are probably also members of the union. Delta Air Lines is the only major American airline without a flight attendant union. Whether you’re flying an airplane or helping passengers on board, it’s no wonder it’s the job of the union.


Whether you’re acting, directing, or producing in a movie, television, or recording, you have unified options. Union membership is often a requirement for working as a set. From the Directors Guild of America to the Writers Guild of America, the Writers Guild of America, and the IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Film Labor Unions), you’re probably familiar with some of the unions involved here. These organizations are fighting for fairer wages and safety at the start.

Trucking and transportation

in the meantime Only 2% of 3.5 million truck drivers nationwide are members of the union, Trucking is another industry with a strong history of unionization. Consider the freight sector, which includes hundreds of local shops and tens of thousands of shops, representing the interests of truckers across North America. Team Star members include not only truck drivers, but also dock workers, mechanics, office workers, and more. Simply put, even if you don’t want to drive a real truck, the industry can offer employment opportunities to cover the union.


Many newspapers have been integrated for decades, but in recent years there has been a major impetus to integrate digital outlets (including websites and podcasts) that millions of people read and listen to every day. I have. Lifehacker’s own editorial staff is united. So do insiders, Atlantic, slate, Gimlet Media, the Los Angeles Times, and many others. more. Keep in mind that the industry situation is always in flux, so even with the protection of the union, media careers can be uncertainly full. However, the threat of layoffs is always real, and it’s a little easier to know that unionized outlets guarantee protection such as severance pay.

If you want to be a union, work in these industries

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