If you don’t know how to pronounce someone’s name, stop saying these things
There are many in the name.I explained earlier The smoothest way to handle forgetting someone’s name— But what What if you don’t know how to pronounce their name in the first place?
Understanding someone’s name correctly isn’t just about politeness. It’s a matter of inclusion and respect.In the article Harvard Business ReviewRuchika Tarshan, author Diversity Benefits: Correcting Gender Inequality in the Workplace, Share a concrete connection of how someone’s name has They are valued at work. Similarly, LinkedIn viral posts Damneet Kaur explains that if you mispronounce someone’s name, you may feel excluded and fired. And these effects begin long before the workplace: the study Have got found Students report embarrassment when teachers are unable to learn how to pronounce their names.
With different names in the world, we have to fail pronunciation here and there. This experience is too familiar to immigrants, especially those with non-white and non-Western names. But there is a way to tackle new names with tact, rather than calming people more than others. The next time you come across a name that you don’t know how to say correctly, here are some examples of what you shouldn’t say (and what to do instead).
If you don’t know how to pronounce the name, don’t say it
“”Put this in the butcher.“
We all ruin the name, but people use this phrase as a way to get rid of expectations.
Unfortunately, I’ve said this in the past, so I understand the instinct to let someone know that I’m apologizing for the pronunciation. However, attempts to be “shy” or self-deprecating should not be made at the expense of others. If you announce that you’re going to make someone’s name a butcher before you try to say it, you sound like you’ve already given up. Once you realize that you are trying to kill someone’s name, you can guide that self-awareness to actually seek the correct pronunciation.
“I will never understand it correctly, can I call you another name?”
If someone has a nickname they want to be called, they will tell you. Otherwise, it is very rude to ask someone to change what they are calling for your convenience.
“I’m sorry, I’m the worst. I’m such an idiot!! “
There is no way to know the pronunciation of every name in the world. Don’t do much about it. There is no need for a spoiled, drawn apology. These displays are for you better than those whose names are mispronounced.In addition, it will usually be put that person In a strange position of comfort you..
The instinct to apologize is good, but as a guide, consider prioritizing the dignity of the other person over your pride. Go ahead for clarity.
“Wow, that’s very unique. What do you mean?”
Even if your intentions are good, you still shouldn’t put too much spotlight on “unique” names. This can come across as a worshiper of non-Western names, placing people on the spot and picking them out as “others”.
please think about it. Jeff, do you know what your name means?
“”[weird garbled mumbling]”
If you’re going to say someone’s name, at least commit to that attempt.
Do not skip names that cannot be pronounced.
To learn how Pronounce someone’s name and just listen
“Act humbly” Tarshan write in..If you make a mistake in the name — this will always happen— Simply apologize and ask for the correct pronunciation. As a rule of thumb, Tulshyan says: “Sorry, I mispronounced it. Could you repeat the name?” Next, listen carefully to where people are emphasizing and where the flexion is. Repeat once or twice after them, but not more. Thank them and move on.
If you have the opportunity to ask for someone’s name before a meeting or presentation, set that person aside and say something as simple as: “Hey! I don’t want to make a mistake in the name, how do you pronounce it?” Be proactive about reconfirming a person’s name before a meeting, regardless of whether you care about a particular pronunciation. This is a strong habit to form.
Taking the time to say someone’s name correctly is a way to convey respect and general etiquette, even if you need a little more effort on your part. We all ruin the name, and we can all be better.
If you don’t know how to pronounce someone’s name, stop saying these things
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