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I need a new admin account on my Mac

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Photo: Margarita _ Puma (shutter stock)

A few Mac users have one administrator account on their machine. If you’re the only one using your computer, no problem. However, if someone else has access to your girlfriend’s Mac,you should create A second account for added security. Here’s why:

When you share your administrator account with other users, nothing prevents them from creating new user accounts and removing administrator privileges from your account.You can see the evolution of this issue This Reddit postwhere the original poster made himself an admin and blocked OP from many actions on Mac. As long as they know your account password, they can become administrators of your machine.

The easiest way to avoid this situation is to create a separate administrator account that only you can access. First, click on the Apple logo in the upper left corner of the screen and select System setting Also System Preferences.

i am coming Users and Groups. click add account or + Click the icon to create a new account. Use a secure password for this account and password manager so you don’t forget itdon’t forget to select administrator from the drop-down menu next to new account. When done, select create user.

This will create a new admin account computer. The next step is to switch to the new admin account.click apple Click on the logo in the upper left corner to select lock screen. select Switch userand enter your password to log in. go To Users and Groups Again in system settings, select the old user account and uncheck Allow this user to administer this computer.

You can now safely log out of your administrator account and use your previous account as usual. If someone else is using your machine, they cannot demote you to a less privileged user her account.

For convenience, you can also have your Mac automatically log you into your main account. This option is located here: System Settings/Preferences > Users & Groups. On macOS Ventura, Login automatically… menu. In older versions of macOS, login options To enable automatic login.

This option is not available if you have FileVault encryption enabled on your Mac. We do not recommend disabling this option as it is an important security feature. Better to log in manually. It only takes 1-2 seconds.

I need a new admin account on my Mac

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