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How to Use Auto Equity Loans When You Need Money

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Photo: fongbeerredhot (((Shutterstock).

The past few years have been one wild vehicle for almost everyone, and almost every aspect of our lives has changed in many ways, big and small. This kind of mess is hard enough when you’re full of cash, but when money is tight, Inflation soarsAnd an emergency suddenly presents a huge invoice you have to pay, Things can get tough..

If you don’t have solid emergency funds to survive an emergency, the most common solution is to borrow money.Using a credit card to handle a sudden debt is an easy solution, but their interest rates are often You will regret the decision — and you will get the same result with any kind of payday loan. What you need is a mortgage-based mortgage loan, such as a home mortgage loan, but it doesn’t help if you’re renting. And that’s where your car can enter: Like a home equity loan, you may be able to get an auto equity loan, You still Borrowing money in a car..

The mechanism of auto equity loan is as follows.

What is the difference between automatic title loan and car Equity loan?

The first thing to understand is that there are two ways to rent your car: auto equity loans and auto title loans.You’ll want to avoid the latter like plague because it’s basically high profit Payday loan It happens to add a lien to the title of your car. People fall in love with them because they tend to be very short-term and accessible, but if they are a bad deal and you are late for payment You may lose your car.

aUtoequity loans, on the other hand, are usually offered by traditional lenders such as banks. As it is a secured loan backed by car equity, interest rates are reasonable and payments are clear and fixed.

Your calculation method Fairness of your car

The first step to getting an auto equity loan is to understand what you are Might be so You can borrow it. This is a very simple process.

  1. Determine how much you are still renting in the car. If you paid off your loan (or first bought it in cash), this number is clearly zero.
  2. Check with to determine the current value of the car Kelley blue book Also Auto trader Or other resources. (((Get ready to be disappointed — the car loses value fast.. )
  3. Subtract the first number from the second.It’s your fairness in the car Potential The value of your car equity loan. That doesn’t mean that banks and other lenders actually offer you. They have their own weird math to understand how much risk they are trying to take.

For example, if the 2018 Ford Taurus is in good condition The current estimate is about $ 18,500. If the loan has a debt of $ 5,000, Potentially Borrow $ 13,500 from your equity. Some lenders allow you to rent 100% of your equity in the car, but many will be willing to lend you so much, but that’s a good starting point.

The process of getting an auto equity loan is similar to any other loan. Identify the lenders that offer auto-equity loans (not all lenders offer them, most large banks do not, so small local banks and the following: You need to find an online bank. Mariner finance), Fill out the application form and perform other steps required by the lender. As long as everything is fine, the process tends to be quite fast. With online lenders You can often get approval and cash within a day, but if you have the time, it may be worth the delay to shop at the best rates.


While auto-equity loans are superior to payday loans and can be a great solution for short-term cash crunches, there are some drawbacks to consider.

  • dangerous. You are borrowing money using your car to secure a loan, which means you may lose your car if you do not repay the loan. This is especially gnawing if you have paid off your mortgage or are close to doing so...
  • Hidden cost. Some lenders are cramming extra charges because auto-equity loans are not common and are perceived as more risky than others. Therefore, be sure to read all the details. And because poor things are expensive, lenders may require you to have comprehensive car insurance to protect their property, so you end up with a higher monthly payment than anything else. prize.

What is the conclusion? If you need cash in the short term and your car has a lot of equity, auto equity loans are a relatively stable way to close the gap.But it may make sense to consider other options first, and you should Always keep the risk in mind.

How to Use Auto Equity Loans When You Need Money

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