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How to tell if your friend fell in love with you

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This is a romantic comedy, and often a classic story that unfolds in real life. The two are friends and their feelings. There are some that get deeper They are nervous or not, and they get together. If you’ve ever fallen in love with a friend, here’s some guidance on how to make things romantic, but understand that every relationship is unique and, of course, your mileage may be different.

Why people date their friends

The great thing about the transition from friendship to dating is that you already know that others share your interests, your sense of humor, and other important personality traits that allow you to get along. about it. Plus, you know they like you, so you’re probably more accustomed to being yourself than your first date with someone in the app.

“Perhaps in friendship, at some point both individuals probably have some appeal to others, but not at the same time,” he said. Angela N. HoltonA relationship expert and founder of the Conscious Love and Dating Method, added that she not only has personal experience here, but is also an expert.

How to tell if your friend is in love with you

Look for some clues to determine if both are on the same page. Laurel HouseRelationship coaches using eharmony said this is something to watch out for if they want to engage in mutual romantic interests.

  • They don’t want to “hang out”, but they do want to “take you out” or “go out.”
  • They start wearing a little fashionable clothes around you.
  • They choose a better restaurant or place to hang out with you.
  • They ask more questions, listen more enthusiastically, and generally seem to know better what you are doing.
  • They flirt with you and make jokes, notch up sarcasm and jokes, and comment on your appearance.
  • If you don’t talk to them, forget to include them, or don’t respond to their cues, they are more likely to behave more sensitively and hurt their emotions.
  • They give you priority.
  • They remember more of the little things you mentioned and went on.

How to transfer friendship to romance

If others seem to be in line with you, you can choose your actions by expressing your feelings frankly. But Holton pointed out that if you’re afraid to “cross the border” and interfere with friendships, you’ll probably feel the same with others, so some caution is needed. However, if you choose it, speak openly, share how you feel, and ask if you feel the same. But the most important thing is to make it clear that your existing friendships are sufficient if they don’t feel the same. (And if they don’t feel the same, be prepared to endure the annoyance for a while until it’s over. Best to remain a great friend despite your hurt feelings. Please do your best.)

If the first conversation or subsequent dates don’t go as expected, you may need to heal away from others, but you can stay with your friends. But in any case The conversations involved don’t have to be as heavy as you think. As Haus explained, “When it comes to relationships that start as friendship, communication, trust, and understanding may already be established. The relationship may not be deep enough to incite, but the foundation is already there. It has been established. “

You need to be confident that you can speak Without it Ruin Your friendship beyond repair.Often it is Why are you friends In the first place: There is a solid foundation, Understand each other.. The nasty endeavors of dating do not deny that you value each other.And depending on the possibility, May not try at all It’s embarrassing.

How to tell if your friend fell in love with you

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