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How to tell if your child has bulimia (and what to do about it)

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Photo: PattyPhoto ((((Shutterstock).

The Pandemics are not friendly to anyone’s mental health And unfortunately, the mental health crisis for children is on the rise, Including eating disorders..in the meantime AnorexiaThe fear of weight gain, which usually manifests itself as a food restriction, is the most talked about eating disorder. Binge eating can also adversely affect a child’s life and cause lifelong health problems.This is What to look for —And what to do —If you suspect your child may have Bulimia.

What are the signs Binge eating?

The National Eating Disorders AssociationThere is a helpline to provide resources to those in need of support for all types of eating disorders, b bInge eating disorder (bed), “Relapsed episodes of eating large amounts of food (often very fast and up to the point of discomfort); feeling of loss of control during binge; then experience shame, anxiety, and guilt. To combat bulimia Do not use unhealthy compensation (eg purge) on a regular basis. ”They say it is the most common eating disorder in the United States.S. And it is recognized by the DSM used to classify mental illness (and have your insurance pay for the treatment).

Some things to look for in your child include:

  • Fear of weight gain
  • Weight fluctuation
  • Gastrointestinal upset (convulsions, acid reflux, etc.)
  • Body check (look in mirrors and windows often)
  • Looks afraid or uncomfortable to eat around others
  • No food around the house, or a large amount of wrapping paper / containers
  • Stock up or hide a large amount of your favorite food
  • Attempts to hide excessive food consumption
  • Diet or new eating habits or fads (i.e. , Veganism, carb cuts, etc.)
  • A signal that a child cannot stop excessive food consumption
  • Food ritual (eat only at specific times or at specific foods)
  • Disorders of normal eating habits (eat all day, not at meal time, eat alone)
  • Withdrawal from friends and activities

Keep in mind that your child, especially teenagers, can gain considerable weight around puberty, which is not necessarily a sign that they are binging. Be careful not to impose your own possible eating disorder behaviors on your child and check in with a prejudice in your own body image.

What if you think your child has a bed

Dr. Bill Fudenko, Global Head of Mental Health K HealthIf you are worried about your child’s eating disorders, he says: “It’s important to contact your pediatrician, dietitian, or mental health provider to determine if your child meets the criteria for bulimia. In addition to the possible adverse effects of this disorder on your child’s body. Early intervention can lead to better treatment before behavior becomes too established. ”

The loLong-term effects of eating disorders Including the impact on mental health, Anxiety, depression, etc. And like lifelong physical effects Metabolic health problems When Cardiovascular health problems.. Early treatment is essential.

After diagnosis

If your child is diagnosed with BED, Hudenko says: Of course, this cannot be ruled out as eating together, but it does mean that efforts must be made to change the eating habits of the child in order to bring about a healthier pattern. “

Finding the best treatment for your child or family may require you to try several different treatments, but Hudenko said: Evaluate their food culture. Interventions include restricting access to some foods normally used for bing, developing alternative coping mechanisms when foods are used to manage stress, and eating pace while reading full body signals. May include learning to slow down. “

Many parents today come from an era of low fat and trendy diets. We want to give our children our many years of pain and heartache that we hate our bodies and want to be something else. By checking in to our children and staying aware of potential eating disorders We give them a gift of body acceptance and love that they can carry in adulthood.

How to tell if your child has bulimia (and what to do about it)

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