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How to tell if that crack in your wall really matters

Image of article titled How to Determine If Wall Cracks Are Really a Problem

Photo: zimmytws ((((Shutterstock).

Cracks in your walls can stimulate a sense of imminent ruin, especially if your home is relatively new.Is it … Is it just a cosmetic wound that can be repaired with a small repair agent?orIs it likely to be buried in the rubble?

The good news is that most cracks are pretty superficial, It’s easy to repair, so if you find a cracked hairline on your wall, you probably don’t need to evacuate your family and call FEMA.The bad news is that there are some cracks can Show the serious problem you have to deal with, and the solution is probably expensive. Here’s how to check the scenarios you’re dealing with.

What dIs the irection a crack in your wall?

The first thing to note is the direction of the crack. Thin, straight, vertical cracks in drywall or plaster are usually the least problematic, as they are most often the result of the house.calm down—A comprehensive term that describes how the structure of a house changes over time.New construction Homes tend to settle down more dramatically: The foundation may sink slightly, The wood used for framing can dry out and shrink slightly. Lack of climate control can also lead to cracks if the house is not always occupied (for example, a summer house that is closed for eight months of the year).

This kind of crack is easy to repair and you don’t have to worry. In fact, if the house is brand new You probably have to wait a year before you care Repair themBecause as the house settles in its final position, it is likely to appear a little more.

Levels and horizontal cracks are usually less of a concern. If they are thin and appear correctly where the junction of the two drywalls meets, it’s probably just crap taping.Drywaller Often scoop out joint compound (or “mud”) when they are in a hurryAt first, it looks fine, but the tape can be pulled away from the joint, causing thin horizontal cracks. TFor his repair, taping the joint again or in some cases Glue the tape and quickly repair and paint on it.

If the cracks run diagonally, if they are jagged lightning bolts, or if both horizontal and vertical cracks are combined in a staircase pattern. show more serious problem. This type of crack should be inspected by an engineer and planned for repair as soon as.

How big are the cracks in your wall?

Another factor that determines how much you worry about cracks in your walls is their size. Measure the width of the crack. Generally speaking, anything less than a quarter inch wide is probably (probably!) Not a big deal.It may be “Stress crack “ Due to the calmness and other minor changes in structure mentioned above. If it is wider than that, show More dramatic changes are seen, especially if the cracks are relatively recent, as opposed to the cracks inherited from the previous owner 20 years ago.

Where are the cracks?

Finally, the location of the crack is important. As mentioned earlier, the cracks that line the joints of drywall are probably not a big deal.Similarly, thin cracks that appear around doorways and windows Probably not Either serious..Windows and doorways The wall has a lot of extra frames around it to maintain load bearing capacity and structural integrity. This also increases the likelihood of superficial cracking when things settle down. Diagonal cracks in these areas may not be a big issue.Mef Works smoothly without the doors and windows sticking together There is no obvious warp (for example, if there are no strange gaps at the top or bottom of the door), it’s probably just a stress crack.

Discoloration and nail pop

The last thing to note is whether the crack has a yellowish stain or a brownish stain. If so, it is very likely caused by water infiltration. Drip a small amount of water until you can’t go anywhere, soak it in a drywall or plaster to weaken it.Even if you don’t notice the water, you can still stain it. Mendicate It was there.

Good news? This crack is easy to fix. Bad news? You need to know where the water comes from. Otherwise, the damage will recur. Mold and rotten framing should also be checked if water infiltration has been occurring for a long time.

Another sign of water infiltration and other problems is the so-called “nail pop”. When the heads of the nails and screws holding the wall together began to appear, they first appeared as a ridge on the wall, Probably eventually break through. Nail pop itself is a small problem caused by the shrinkage of wood, but if it appears next to a crack, There may be a bigger problem. If a screw or nail breaks through the wall, check for rust. Signs of water problems.

A crack in the wall does not necessarily mean that the house has collapsed, but take a closer look before cleaning it up as cosmetics.And if they indicate a bigger problem, don’t delay the acquisition of structural engineers Inspect the location. Reassuring cracks is nothing more than waking up in a brand new, unplanned outdoor living room.

How to tell if that crack in your wall really matters

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