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How to tell if it’s really too hot and doesn’t work

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When it’s hotYou can still often exercise safely-Check out our recommendations here— But our bodies have their limits. There are really temperatures and conditions that make it dangerous to exercise for a very long time. Here are some guidelines for deciding when to stop outdoor training.

Wet-bulb globe temperature is used

The best way to understand how heat affects your body, as well as to see the predicted temperature for the day, is to look at an index called the Wet-bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). This is a traditional thermometer bulb wrapped in a wet cloth, The thermometer gives you a reading that tells you how much air can cool you. (I’m simplifying. The actual process is more complicated, Includes 3 thermometers.. )

This is important because it is one of the main cooling mechanisms of our body.sweating-It doesn’t work if the humidity is high. Good luck, You don’t need a thermometer and a wet cloth: YIt can be estimated by examining the temperature and humidity in the graph. Or WeatherFX (iPhone, Android) Report it directly.

Adjust training based on temperature

Now that we have a WBGT, we need to decide what to do with it. For US soccer map It divides the country into three regions and has different cutoffs for canceling exercises in different regions. (They assume that if you live in Texas you can handle a little more heat than if you live in Minnesota.) Similarly, here Guidelines for road race organizers (Like a marathon). If the WBGT exceeds 82 degrees, the race must be cancelled. If you exceed 73, we strongly recommend that you “take great care and slow down”.

To understand what it looks like: an 82 degree WBGT can occur in 75 degree weather with 90% humidity, 84 degree weather with 50% humidity, or 100 degree weather with 10% humidity. There is sex.

For general recommendations This is what the American College of Sports Medicine recommends For those who are not accustomed to exercising in the heat:

  • When WBGT exceeds 65 degrees FahrenheitTake extra rest and pay attention to your hydration.
  • If WBGT exceeds 72Take extra rest and limit the duration of exercise.
  • If WBGT exceeds 78Take extra rest, limit duration and weaken intensity (for example, don’t try to run that fast).
  • If WBGT exceeds 82You should rest as much as you work and do all of the above Be aware of the signs of heat stroke, as the risk is high here.
  • If WBGT exceeds 86Pack it and go home.

For those who are accustomed to the heat, that is, those who exercise safely in the heat for at least a few weeks, they have learned how to get a little cooler and can relax their safety guidelines a bit. In such a case, the cutoff would be:

  • If WBGT exceeds 72You can exercise normally, but be especially careful about hydration.
  • If WBGT exceeds 82“Carefully plan strenuous or prolonged exercise” and be aware of the signs of heat stroke in high-risk individuals.
  • If WBGT exceeds 86Limits strenuous exercise and limits exposure to hot weather. Watch out for signs of heat stroke.
  • If WBGT exceeds 90The risk is too great for an acclimatized athlete.

All of this advice follows the usual precautions. Bring extra water and electrolytes for hydration and find a place to cool off in the shade. (A children’s pool with an ice bag is one of the suggestions of the US Soccer Guidelines.)

It’s also important Know the signs and symptoms of heat stroke and heat stroke, And what to do if you observe them yourself, or among your teammates and training buddies. Heat stroke is a 911 level emergency, so seek help if needed.

How to tell if it’s really too hot and doesn’t work

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