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How to take a huge pill without spitting

Image of an article titled How to Take Huge Tablets Without Exhaling

Photo: Khairil Azhar Junos ((((Shutterstock).

If someone else refuses to take multivitamins while in the kitchen, that’s a bad sign.It doesn’t happen every time, but no one wants to risk the possibility of someone witnessing it. Their vitamin-induced coffee reflux. And an attempt to push the pill down again … it’s a terrible business. But the horror of oversized pills-your enemies are prenatal vitamins or your daily medications-if you just get clues from your dog, you no longer need to be part of your routine.

If it works for a Labrador, it’s enough for me

Dogs have a sensitive nose and look away from most undisguised pills. An easy solution is to pack the stinky tablets into something that has a delicious scent, such as peanut butter or meatballs. And what do you know? This method also works very well for people.

We don’t recommend covering centrums with peanut butter — it’s confusing, and peanut butter is hard enough to eat at its best — but it’s a good idea to push your pills into delicious food. ”Covering supplements Many operations are required to do this. The food you like will help hide the taste and will almost completely hide the fact that you are swallowing the pills.Most multivitamins, along with some other supplements, are huge, strangely shaped, even if they are. please do not It tastes terrible, so if you bother to bring it (Probably not doing anything for you), You can also make your experience more positive.

Cover the pill with delicious but soft food

An important step in improving the pill-taking experience is to cover it with foods that are not only delicious, but also easy to swallow and have the correct texture. We already know that the liquid isn’t going to cut it. Dusty and dry things won’t go down without a quarrel. The same is true for things that tend to chew. The last thing I want to do is chew the pill. Please select the one as usual. Throw it back easily. I like to camouflage myself with a spoonful of fruit flavored yogurt. With a thick but supple texture, fruity dairy products completely cover the unpleasant pill flavor. With a bite, I’m an adult.

Literally, taking tablets with food has the added benefit of helping to prevent upset stomach. If you are accustomed to mini-up chucks with daily medications, not feeling nausea is a big bonus.Other possible foods that beautifully hide pills: mashed potatoes, hummus, cottage cheese, French style Soft scrambled eggs, Or mashed potatoes. Basically, whatever you might eat if you didn’t have dentures.

WARNING: It is not recommended to use this method to surprise anyone, especially children who dislike pills.I never have hide Vitamins in food. This can lead to them choking things and releasing all the unpleasant tastes, or worse, presenting the danger of choking.

How to take a huge pill without spitting

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