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How to store pre-purchased Halloween candy

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Photo: Lena Robinson (shutter stock)

When it’s time to trick or treat, saw report It suggests that we may face a Halloween candy shortage this year.

Like any product shortage, this is subject to supply chain issues, Growing demand for sweets It didn’t help during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s not all. According to Hersheythe Russian invasion of Ukraine has made sourcing ingredients and making candy even more difficult this year.

If you went shopping for Halloween candy earlier this year after hearing about potential shortages,here is the best way to store it So on holiday.

How to store Halloween candy

Most of the trick-or-treating Halloween candy is individually wrapped, easy to storePlus, it’s shelf-stable, and if the conditions are right, it won’t degrade from now until Halloween.

Temperature and sunlight are the biggest factors. Store your Halloween candy out of direct sunlight (pantry, basement, etc.), even if your home is air-conditioned or the temperature drops. cabinet, or drawer. For an extra level of protection, put candy airtight container Before storage.

If the temperature in your home rises regularly 85 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, you may want to consider storing candy in the refrigerator (if you have the space).according to National Confectionery Associationsome candies are fine, but don’t freeze anything that contains fruit or nuts.

when properly stored, milk and white chocolate can be kept for 8 to 10 months, but dark chocolate can be kept for up to 2 years as long as it is wrapped in foil. Caramels usually last 6 to 9 months, while hard candies last up to 1 year, and gummy candy unopened packages.

How to store pre-purchased Halloween candy

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