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How to stay good friends while avoiding social fatigue

Image from article titled How to Avoid Social Fatigue and Still Be a Good Friend

Photo: lucky business (shutter stock)

It took a global pandemic to fully realize how exhausting socializing can be, even with someone you truly love. , after most people have stopped hanging out with their friends for at least some period of time in the last two and a half years, others have a better idea of ​​what’s what… sort of.

This social fatigue poses a challenge for us. Friends, when the mere thought of being “on” is exhausting? Here are some strategies that can help.

Set Boundaries and Communicate

There’s no rule that you have to socialize all day (or all night). Before you start making plans, tell your friend that you want to hang out together, but you need to limit it to an hour’s lunch, or he’ll have a drink after a particular event, etc.

You’re not obligated to explain to anyone why you aren’t spending more time together, but you can tell your friends honestly that socializing wipes you out. You may thank me for what you said.

plan alone time

If you’re having a hard time making plans with someone, formally make time for yourself (Like, put it in the calendar). That way, instead of moving on to the next exhausting task (even if it’s a fun one), you know you’ll have some quiet time to recuperate.

Identify (and avoid) the most triggering situations

Part of your social fatigue Feeling anxious in certain settings or situationsFirst figure out what they are (if they exist). For example, are you afraid to go to noisy restaurants or bars? Do you get nervous and have to yell to hear your friends? Or can you hang out with one or her two people, but would you be nervous if there were more than that?

Think about what makes you uncomfortable, then let your friend know that you want to avoid it if possible. From there, develop a plan that works for everyone (or at least doesn’t cause unnecessary anxiety).

How to stay good friends while avoiding social fatigue

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