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How to set your own price on Amazon Prime Day (and why)

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Photo: Elpisterra ((((Shutterstock).

I don’t want to admit it, but I’m an impulse buyer (When Closet full of small electronics To prove it). SAmazon-like hopping event Prime day Bad for me.I know that Amazon uses all kinds of products, Illegal operation technology It still works to get you to buy what you don’t need —Me too I made an Amazon impulse purchase Under research Articles on how to avoid impulse purchases on Amazon.. But this Prime Day, I’m going to resist the worst Just set your own price and make a selection What i already have I wanted to buy Before Prime Day.

How to “set your own price” on Amazon

Obviously, Amazon can’t cut prices on a whim, but can Set up an alert system to let you know if what you want to buy has fallen at a price sufficient to buy. Amazing it’s simple. Below is a step-by-step guide for setting your own. The personal lowest price for items sold on Amazon items.

  • Identify the items you want to buy and throw them inside you Amazon Wish List.. Wish list setting “Publish.“
  • visit Amazon Price Tracking Website CamelCamelCAmel When freedom account.
  • Click Import Wish List.You need to copy and paste the URL from the Amazon Wish List.
  • Once that’s done, CamelCamelCamel allows you to add a specific lowest price (or percentage drop) to everything in your wishlist. EEnter the maximum amount to pay for each item in the list, then You can instruct an email to be sent when the item’s price drops to the set usage limit.
  • Then only meIgnore all Prime Day hype and wait For Email alert notifying you of selected items Have Cheap enough for you to buy..
  • SFeel Prime Day self-righteous and you really agree with yourself that is The smartest person alive.Don’t look at Amazon Prime.. seriously. Well, maybe just a moment.This time I have a will The power to avoid buying another Chocolate fountain or Self-stirring mug It says “SELF STIRRING MUG” next to it, right?

How to set your own price on Amazon Prime Day (and why)

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