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How to separate perennials and why you should

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Photo: VH Studio ((((Shutterstock).

Perennials have gained a place in the hearts and gardens of those who enjoy planting leaves, but they do not always want to spend time planting them each year. And while perennials tend to require less maintenance than their annual relatives, that doesn’t mean they’re completely let go.

In fact, after living in a garden or garden for several years, you may find that they don’t look as perfect and healthy as they once were. You may need to make the flowers smaller, have “bald spots” in the middle of the crown, or start sticking the stems to prevent them from tipping over.

If you notice any (or some) of these signs, it’s probably time to split Your perennial plant. Here’s how to do this and why it’s important.

Why you need to divide perennials

Splitting a perennial plant actually leaves you with more plants that you can add (or give aw) to your garden or other parts of the garden.ay Or sell to others)It has Other benefits.. The biggest problem is that it can stimulate new growth of plants. Especially in the past. Lived in a patch on the ground that was becoming overcrowded ( plant).

When all the plants are packed in a small space, they have to compete for nutrients and water.In addition, restricted airflow will be easier for them I’ll get sick. When you divide a perennial plant, it gives their roots the space they need to spread so that they can grow and bloom.

How to separate perennials

Make sure the perennial soil is moist by watering the day before or by dividing the perennial after a few days of showers before dividing and governing the perennial. And if possible, divide the plants on cloudy days to prevent the sun from drying them in transit.

According to, how to divide a perennial plant is: University of Minnesota Extension:

  1. Use a spade or fork to dig up the parent plant.
  2. Slowly lift the plant and its roots off the ground.
  3. Removes frayed dirt on the roots.
  4. Divide the plant using one of three methods: (1) Make fun of by gently pulling the roots with your hands. (2) Cut them with a spade or a sharp knife. (3) Place the two forks back to back in the center of the mass and then pull them apart.
  5. Make sure that each “new” plant has 3-5 active shoots and is well-fed with roots.
  6. Immediately plant the split perennials or moisten them and leave them in the shade until they are replanted on the ground.

How to separate perennials and why you should

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