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How to scan a QR code from an iPhone or Android screenshot or image

Image of article titled You Should Know How to Scan a QR Code from Screenshots You need to know how to scan a QR code from a screenshot

Photo: travelwild ((((Shutterstock).

QR codes are used for everything from opening restaurant menus to making payments. Simply point your camera at the QR code and the phone will automatically open the relevant page. But what if I include the QR code in the message? Or what if it’s a screenshot instead?

The iPhone integrates QR code scanning directly into the camera app, but there is no option to scan the QR code from the screenshot. But there are trusted third-party apps and websites.

How to scan a QR code from an iPhone screenshot

Image of article titled You Should Know How to Scan a QR Code from Screenshots You need to know how to scan a QR code from a screenshot

screenshot: Khamosh Pathak

The most reliable and reliable way to scan a QR code from iPhone screenshots is Google app (This includes the Google Lens feature). There are two ways to do this. You can use a Google lens scanner or a shared sheet.

First, open the Google app and camera Search bar icon. The Google Lens interface opens.Tap Photo Click the icon in the lower left corner and select an image from the list. Immediately, the Google app will scan the QR code and display the results there.

In some cases, it may be faster to use a shared sheet. If you have already viewed the QR code image or screenshot, share Button; From the share sheet, “Search with Google Lens“Options. From the pop-up, tap the View Results button. This will open the QR code result in the Google app. You can now access the website or copy the URL if needed.

How to scan a QR code from an Android screenshot

Image of article titled You Should Know How to Scan a QR Code from Screenshots You need to know how to scan a QR code from a screenshot

screenshot: Khamosh Pathak

This is much easier to do on Android. especially, Google lens An app that scans QR codes (must be pre-installed on your smartphone), or Google Photos The app as the default gallery app.

Open the Google Lens app and find the QR code image in the screenshot or image section. Select an image and wait for the lens to scan the code.Once that’s done, you can tap Website A button to open the link.

You can also do this directly from the Google Photos app. Open the image using the QR code in the Google Photos app and[レンズ” ボタン。 これにより、レンズアプリで画像がスキャンされます。 下部にリンクを開くための同じオプションが表示されます。



スクリーンショット: Khamosh Pathak

iPhoneのGoogleアプリやAndroidのレンズアプリを使いたくないですか? 無料のウェブサイトを使用して、QRコード画像をスキャンできます。これは、WindowsやMacを含むすべてのデバイスで機能します。

開始するには、 WebQRWebサイト デバイスで、カメラアイコンをタップします。 (Webサイトでカメラへのアクセスを要求された場合は、拒否できます。)次に、[ファイルの選択]Tap the button and select an image from your photo library or file picker. The website will scan the QR code and the results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Simply tap the link to open the content in your browser or connected app.

How to scan a QR code from an iPhone or Android screenshot or image

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