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How to return your Prime Day purchases to Amazon

Image of an article titled How to Return All Amazon Prime Day Purchases With Unjustified Advice

Photo: Jeramei Rende ((((Shutterstock).

If you spend Amazon Prime Day like a drunk sailor and face a hangover in your empty checking account, don’t despair.In most cases, returning the item to Amazon is surprisingly easy to avoid the consequences of the action.

You can’t use the retail store as a “try before you buy” service, but if the item is unopened and you have a real reason to return it, it’s okay as long as you don’t do that. many.

What is Amazon’s return policy?

Amazon is, to some extent, generous with profits. During the first 30 days of delivery, you will receive a full refund for most items purchased directly from Amazon, usually without paying shipping charges.“Or other charges. You may not even need to return the item.

To do this On your Amazon.com profile, click Order, find the item you want to return, and then click Return or Exchange Item.

You’ll see a drop-down menu of reasons for returns that covers almost all contingencies. For example, this 1:18 scale remote control shark is “no longer needed” and can be returned. (I don’t believe it, so I don’t, it’s requirement.. )

Image of an article titled How to Return All Amazon Prime Day Purchases With Unjustified Advice

screenshot: Stevens-Johnson / Amazon

From there, you will be asked to return the item, or you will be immediately refunded and asked to “keep it”. If Amazon wishes to return it, you can print the shipping label created by Amazon and drop it on the carrier, or you can return it directly to the Amazon Return Center or your local Amazon Locker.

Amazon Return Policy Exceptions

Amazon sells so many things in so many ways that there are certain exceptions to the return policy above. The largest “does not apply here” Third party sellerThe person who decides his return policy. However, there are also special refund rules for purchases made on Amazon Pharmacy, items covered by individual warranty, collectibles, and other types of purchases.This is A list of “special cases” for Amazon returns / refunds.

Why can Amazon store returned items?

Amazon does not disclose exactly which customer can hold which product after requesting a refund, but in principle it applies to cheaper items purchased by established customers. If it ultimately costs more to return and resell an item, Amazon will let you get it. I’m sure they take into account the goodwill of their customers, In the same way.

For TVs, laptops, and other more expensive items, you usually need to return them to Amazon, which may wait for the item to arrive for a refund.

What happens if I abuse Amazon’s return policy?

If you want to use Amazon’s return policy to get something free or use a retailer as a rental service, I admire your initiative, but I don’t recommend it. First, because it’s dishonest and you’re a good citizen, but more importantly, Amazon could probably catch you and suspend or ban your account.

The company hasn’t announced details, but they are very good at capitalism and they will know if your account ends up as a net liability to the company. From there, they are told to send you an email.Learn how to better understand your account activity and improve your shopping experience.. (You may read it as follows, “CPut it out, OK?? ”) Then, if Amazon determines that your time as a customer is not worth your time for any reason, Amazon will ban your account.

How to return your Prime Day purchases to Amazon

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