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How to remove tar stains from carpet

Image from article titled How to remove tar stains from carpet

Photo: geoglyph (shutter stock)

Tar is sneaky. Because it is used to repair asphalt of almost the same color, you may step on tar without knowing it. Or you drove on a tar-repaired road on a hot day and when you got home there was black dirt on your car that you quickly cleaned up ( This lifehacker article for guidance), but got it in your shoes in the process.

inadvertently, regardless of its origin track the tar Indoors, it can end dirty the rug, carpetHere’s how to get rid of those tricky and sticky stuff tar stains.

How to remove stains from carpet

The sooner you treat a tar stain, the more likely you are to remove it. Here’s what you should do:

remove the sticky tar

The first thing to do is remove as much of the actual tar as possible and transfer it to the stain.

with plastic knifescrape off anything that can be easily removed Remove tar from the surface of the carpet by moving only the knife upward towards the ceiling (and not back and forth on the fabric so as not to aggravate the stain).

If the tar doesn’t move, keep ice in a plastic bag. Wait until the tar hardens and then try again. Vacuum any hardened tar particles that may be on the carpet.

tackle the dirt

In addition to store-bought rug and carpet spot treatments, you can also use what you already have at home to remove tar stains from your carpet.

But before using any of them, check the manufacturer’s instructions (which should be available on their website). your Carpets and rugs – more than just cleaning In addition to tips, you can also find out if there are any products or solutions to avoid.

here are some Tar stain removal option:

  • add a few drops About 1 cup lukewarm water friendly dish soap, apply the solution directly to the stain. Use a clean cloth to work the solution from the outside to the center of the stain (avoid spreading the stain). Use another clean cloth to wash off the dirt with cold water. If it seems to work, repeat the process until the stain is gone. Do not use dish detergents that contain lanolin or bleach.
  • pour a little 3% hydrogen peroxide on tar stains. Let it sit for 1 minute, then wipe it off with a paper towel.
  • to spray WD-40 on a clean rag remove tar stains.
  • Mix a few drops of Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Cleaner with baking soda to make a paste. Use a clean rag to apply it to the stain and gently wipe it off until it lifts.Then rinse using another clean cloth Rinse off with cold water. When the carpet is dry, vacuum it. baking soda leftovers.

Of course, there are some jobs that require expert expertise. Carpet tar stains one of themSo if you’re not sure what to do, or if the stain isn’t improving on your own,it might be time to call a pro.

How to remove tar stains from carpet

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