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How to remove sweat stains from clothes

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Even if you Please wear the proper fabricThere are days when the hot and sticky summer weather really sweats. Excessive sweating is bad enough, but it’s not the only one. Yellow stains may remain on your clothes.

Fortunately, there is a way to remove these stains.. Here’s what you need to know:

Why is the sweat stain yellow?

when Most people sweat,sweating It drips and penetrates their faces It is colorless from their armpits. So why does the sweat stain turn yellow?

“Deodorants and antiperspirants contain a variety of ingredients that can cause stains when combined with sweating,” said Wayne Edelman, CEO of. Mouris Garment Care— And also known as the “Stainmaster” — tell Lifehacker. “These ingredients are read like a chemistry lesson and include not only aluminum-based elements, but also wax-based formulations and petrochemical products.”

How to get rid of sweat stains

First and foremost, sweat stains need to be treated as soon as possible after putting on clothing, Edelman explains. “If left untreated, the stain may discolor and may be permanent at this point. Or more treatment is needed to get rid of it, “he says.

As with other types of stain removers, how to treat sweat stains depends on the material and dye of the garment. And, generally speaking, Edelman only recommends removing sweat stains on clothes that can be washed at home. Items that are dry-cleaned only must be washed by a specialist.

“Usually, the sweat stain itself can be cleaned by first pre-treating it with a common wide-spectral stain remover on the market, such as Spray’n Wash or Shout,” Edelman explains. “You can spray the affected area and then lightly brush it. Spotter brush. Brushing creates a mechanical effect that transfers soap and detergent to the fibers. “

However, pre-treating the stain is not enough. Then you need to wash it to wash off the pretreatment.

If yellow sweat stains remain after pre-treating and cleaning the item, Edelman recommends using a vinegar-based tannin solution.

To make it at home, mix 1/2 teaspoon of laundry detergent with 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of cold water. Apply the solution in the same way as a commercial stain remover, lightly brush the stains, and then wash your clothes immediately.

For white items that remain dirty after the above treatment, Edelman says you can try dipping them. With a solution made using laundry detergent and a sodium-based bleach like OxiCLean.

“Follow the instructions depending on the amount of water used— And after trying a bleach bath, don’t forget to wash the bleach thoroughly with regular washes, “he explains. “Maintaining the temperature during this process keeps the bleach active. Many new washing machines have the best heating soak cycle for this process.”

How to remove sweat stains from clothes

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