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how to remove scratches on oven door

Image from article titled How to Remove Scratches on Oven Doors

Photo: blitz maker (shutter stock)

Over time, normal wear and tear on kitchen appliances begins to take its toll, leaving your once-pristine ovens, dishwashers, and refrigerators dented, dented, and scratched. For example, look at the glass window in your oven door. Not only are they covered in all kinds of food stains, but they also tend to accumulate scratches over the years.

Luckily, there are a few ways to remove scratches from your oven door glass. Here’s what you should know:

how to remove scratches on oven door

First, it should be clarified that we are only dealing with superficial scratches here. If the cut is deep enough to pierce your nail, a little more care is required (perhaps by a professional). But if you’re dealing with small scratches, the idea behind these techniques is to use a mild abrasive and a soft cloth to buff them.

baking soda

mix baking soda and water paste Use a 1:1 ratio. Dip a cotton ball into the paste and rub it over the wound in circular motions for a few seconds. Wipe the surface with a clean, soft cloth dampened with warm water. If you still have scratches, try again.

tooth paste

Instead of making your own paste, you can also use the technique above and use toothpaste (not the gel type) to polish scratches on your oven door.


After all, this highly effective brass cleaner can also help fill in shallow scratches. First, make sure your oven door is clean.then add a little brasso brass polish Rub a clean, soft cloth over the glass in a circular motion to polish any scratches. Finally, wipe off excess polish.

how to remove scratches on oven door

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