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How to Recognize the Signs of ‘Sensory Processing Disorder’

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sense pprocessing dequal sign (or SPD) A neurological condition in which external or internal stimuli cannot be interpreted like a “typical” person. We know the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. People with SPD may experience bright lights, loud sirens, or Pungent odor. But we also have a sense of ourselves in space (proprioception) and movement (vestibular). People with SPD can be irritable and hesitant to be present. too much stimulation, Also They are insensitive and can be called “sensory-seeking”.

Say “each sensory system is a cup” Occupational therapist Samantha Davis Kidsplay Therapy Center. “MeIndeed our system is a great medium-size cup, For hypersensitive children, the cup is small.Stimuli, like loud noises, can “overfill the cup and cause emotional outbursts and behaviors, or even complete shutdowns for some children.The seeker has a big cup—“But their cup is so large that it takes a lot of input to fill it.”

How do you find out if your child has SPD?

W.my own hen daughter was 2 years oldI noticed that she has Unlike other toddlers we’ve hung out with. She avoided being touched by other children and she loved jumping off terrifyingly high jungle gyms.she also had her big tantrum and was Difficulty eating solid foodsI knew my children People with autism often had sensory hypersensitivity, But she showed no other signs of autism. I found it Checklist from sensory wise parent, She met criteria in several categories of both hypersensitivity and hypersensitivity.

Her pediatrician agreed this sounded like a sensory issue, Referred us to a private occupational therapist for evaluation.later she was let in early intervention program through our neighborhood school district. It turns out that you can also start there to get a free evaluation and service. If you’re wondering if your child has SPD, cConsider insurance for private OT services—mAny of these types of evaluation and treatment are covered.

what is the connection between SPDs, autism, And ADHD?

“At the moment, there is no clear connection between the reasons. individuals on the spectrum or who to attend ADHD We also have SPDs.” Davis says. B.ut “sEnsory pprocessing dIsorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and ADHD are all neurological disorders. SPD is a comorbidity of two disorders.Not everyone with ASD or ADHD also has SPD, often they do. In fact, over half of ADHD patients are believed to have SPD, and sensory impairment is one of the diagnostic criteria for ASD. There is also a correlation between anxiety and SPDs.

moreover, Research shows that intellectually gifted students are more likely to be hypersensitive and SPDs. However, identifying intellectually gifted students can be difficult if they are susceptible or have another diagnosis such as ADHD or SPD. Anecdotally, as a teacher of gifted students, I can say that my gifted students are much more sensitive than the general population.

How to help your child manage SPD

Occupational therapy is a great idea if your child has sensory sensitivities.they are Trained to tailor a “sensory diet” to your child’s specific needs, can see things Their OT lenses are not the rest of us news. For example, our OT has noticed that one of the reasons my daughter is having trouble with solids is that she isn’t rotating food in her mouth enough. rice field. She followed several specific dietary regimens to address this issue.

“Parents can help their children by first listening to them and trying to get to the root cause of their difficult behavior. And find a way to solve that problem,” says Kaitlyn Sanshagrin. OT and co-founder and othe owner of bright spot pediatric treatment. “The changes are small but very effective. Even changing the sanitizer from a gel to a spray can make a big difference for a touch defensive child.”

Sanschagrin says children with SPD need to develop skills in the area of ​​self-advocacy. sensory exploration, and emotional regulation. Give your child the opportunity to express their opinions and boundaries, engage in messy play Also dangerous playWhen practice mindfulness When calming skills.

How to Tell School About Your Child’s SPD

SPD is not included in DSM-5, the official standard for mental health conditions, and may not be eligible for special education services. Paulette Selmana school psychologist and advocate for special education in Oregon and Washington, explains: However, some children are not eligible for services based solely on the SPD diagnosis because they are excluded from DSM-5.For school-aged children, Selman says Does your school offer individualized education to children with sensory problems, whether or not they qualify for SPD, if they have another diagnosis or if they have “learning, behavioral, or socialization delays”? We may offer an IEP or 504. If it “substantially limits” your progress in school, you should be able to get accommodation.

If your child doesn’t need or qualify for special education, Selman stresses that home-to-school communication is especially important “for kids who do a lot of big things in school.” conduct “team meetings” with teachers, principals, or other staff working with children to “review clinician recommendations regarding school-based support and obtain input from teachers as to whether the child has I suggest that you get I needed something different than everyone else. “

sun shagrin too Suggest giving your child a “cheat sheet” for teachers and staff. “A brief summary of the child’s personality, interests, and strengths, It’s not just about telling you what strategies work and what doesn’t,” she says. She also discusses the “trigger” with her teacher, who tells her what to look for before a meltdown. avoid it.

lifelong adaptation

please remember SPD does not “fix” it, it fixes it. accommodation.BBy giving children the tools and skills to regulate their bodies and emotions, you can embrace their incredible sensitivity and become aware of all the senses around them without being overwhelmed.

How to Recognize the Signs of ‘Sensory Processing Disorder’

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