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How to recognize signs of echolalia in children

Image from article titled Why Babies and Toddlers Echo Your Words (and What to Do When It's Too Long)

Photo: Nalongrit Rokurpurakitto (shutter stock)

Part of a child’s early language development includes echo back The words you say are why generations of new parents have stood in front of their babies and said something about the effect., “Mama? Can you say ‘Mama’?” Mama! ” But this repetition is called ecolariaif followed, is an integral part of early language development that too long or associated with other symptoms, It could be a sign of something more, including Autism Spectrum Disorder or another type of developmental delay.

“This is how children learn languages. They imitate and repeat,” said faculty member Madeline Racine and Baylor College of Medicine and a psychologist Texas Children’s HospitalOver time, this repetition will begin to diminish. “As children learn more languages, they begin to mix their own speech and words,” Racine said.

Generally speaking, very young children echo a lot during the first few months of using language, but the rate decreases over time. “This is a stepping stone to developing a more flexible language,” says Racine.

In most children, echolaria declines significantly with age. “As they approach the age of 3, the reflexes fade and the child uses more natural speech,” Racine said. “They may repeat funny things they heard on TV, etc., but they have plenty of spontaneous and flexible speech to communicate their wants and needs.”

when to see a doctor

Repetition is normal in the early stages of language development, but when it is too long or too pronounced, Persistent echolalia tends to be associated with autism spectrum disorders or other developmental delays and should be discussed with a doctor.

Other signs to watch for include whether your child has trouble communicating their wants and needs, or if they tend to repeat verbal intonations. “When children with autism echo, they usually echo with the same intonation as they heard,” Racine said. “If Parents Say”Hi, well done.” A child may say exactly.

Another common warning sign is when echolalia is accompanied by speech delay. “When it comes to what’s atypical, it’s really what the child’s developmental history looks like,” said faculty member Gabriel Anzuetto. and UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School“If you have a child who hasn’t reached the speech milestone and suddenly the first word becomes the echo word, that’s abnormal.”

According to Anzuet’s experience, parents whose children are fussy—The first words are often a relief and we assume that all is well, but in reality there is still more we need to do. Further evaluation was done.

Echolaria can be a symptom of an underlying problem, but the goal is not to get rid of it, but to diagnose the underlying problem and find ways to support the child, often including speech therapy. “You don’t necessarily have to stop or prevent echolaria,” Racine said.For children who have a language delay or are on the spectrum, echolalia is part of the way they learn language, even if it lasts longer than usual. For some children Acts as a self-soothing mechanism. “Often, echolalia is used for a purpose,” Racine said.

How to recognize signs of echolalia in children

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