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How to recognize a male yeast infection

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You may not have known that people with penises can get yeast infectionsgiven that the advertisement for over-the-counter remedies is wiandIt’s aimed at people who aren’t. P.revenge advice Usually targeted to the vagina, yeast infection treatments are usually classified under women’s health.In all fairness, the vagina accounts for the majority of yeast infections, but it’s worth knowing Anyone can do How to get one and identify it.

What is a yeast infection?

No matter who you are or what equipment you’re packing, you probably have some common fungi. Candida albicans hanging on your body according to the webMDin your mouth and digestive tract, there is probably a little other moist areas of your skin. This fungus is also usually present in the vagina.although not Most of the time it causes problemsif it grows too much somewhere it leads to a yeast infection.

Sure, it can happen anywhere fungus is present, like your mouth —wWhen that happens It is called oral candidiasis. When it occurs at the tip of the penis, it is called balanitis.

What are the symptoms of penile yeast infection?

according to mayo clinic When webMDif you think you might have a yeast infection, look out for the following symptoms:

  • Wet skin on the penis, where a thick white substance may accumulate in skin folds
  • Shiny white patches of skin on the penis
  • redness, itching, or burning at the tip of the penis
  • A discharge that resembles cottage cheese or even has an unpleasant “bready” odor
  • swelling of the tip of the penis
  • struggle to pull back the foreskin
  • Dysuria
  • have trouble getting or keeping an erection

Of course, most of these symptoms could be other symptoms as well. So, if you’re experiencing many of these symptoms, pay close attention and keep the following risk factors in mind:

How do you get a yeast infection on your penis?

Balanitis is more common in uncircumcised penises.according to the webMD, these are some other risk factors.

  • long-term use of antibiotics
  • have diabetes
  • Overweight
  • have a weak immune system
  • I have trouble cleaning myself
  • People who are sensitive to soaps, perfumes, or chemicals

Finally, the answer to the most pressing question: Can you get candidiasis by having sex with someone who has candidiasis? Yes. Therefore, having sex with a partner who has a vaginal yeast infection can spread the fungal overgrowth to your junk as well.

Diagnosis and treatment of balanitis

According to the web, diagnosing a yeast infection in the penis is very simple.MD: Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, monitor them, and possibly swab the tip for laboratory tests. Many symptoms of yeast infections are similar to other sexual symptoms. Therefore, it is important not to try to diagnose yourself. contagious infection.

There are over-the-counter antifungal creams that doctors recommend, but they may also prescribe steroid creams or oral medications.they may recommend circumcision, better hygiene practices, better diabetes management, weight loss, or avoiding certain soaps or chemicals.

Infections subside within 3 to 5 days of starting treatment. To prevent this from happening again, clean and dry your penis every time you shower or have sex, use fragrance-free hygiene products, and wear loose-fitting cotton underwear. Get in touch and use a condom during sex if you have candidiasis.

How to recognize a male yeast infection

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