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How to prevent Instagram from repeating stories

Image of an article titled How Instagram Prevents Repeating Stories

Photo: Nuchylee ((((Shutterstock).

This week you may have noticed a strange (albeit frustrating) issue affecting Instagram on the iPhone. When you go to see someone’s new story, the app will play all that old story. In the same way. This happened every time they uploaded a new story. In other words, you may need to skip the same story.Multiple times a day to get the latest updates. After jumping over and over for two days on iOS, Instagram has finally been fixed.

It’s not clear where this bug came from or how many users were affected. All we know is that the problem seems to be limited to the iPhone, as Android users have their Instagram app remember the story. Also, the bug seems to have occurred around Monday. Verge reported Some of the iOS staff were experiencing bugs, but Reddit and Twitter users were also dissatisfied with repeating the story.

Some of us at Lifehacker are also affected. I had to tap a lot of repetitive stories in my feed.At first I thought it was a weird glitch Obviously, it’s been happening for two days. One of the editors also experienced this problem in DM. If someone replies to one of your stories and you don’t understand from the thumbnails replied by your friends, you need to tap all the stories.

Instagram’s parent company, Meta, confirmed on Tuesday that the company was aware of the issue and would fix it. Wherever this bug occurred, Instagram developers seem to have found it and crushed it. This is because updates are now available to fix the problem on your part.

Unlike some Instagram fixes, you need to install the update on your iPhone for the patch to take effect. In some cases, apps like Instagram can publish server-side updates. That is, the fix is ​​implemented without the end user doing anything. However, whatever the problem with these repetitive stories, it seems that the fix needs to be installed on each user’s iPhone.

To install the update on your iPhone Go to the App Store and tap the profile in the upper right. Pull down the page to refresh and scroll down to find Instagram updates. This should be version 239.1 (as of this article). The update is available in 196.2MB, but doesn’t elaborate on exactly what has been fixed. Rather, the release notes say, “The latest version contains bug fixes and performance improvements.”

If you have enabled automatic downloads in your app updates, Instagram will be updated automatically. However, it may take some time. Automatic iOS update may take several weeks, And that doesn’t always seem to be the case for apps, but it’s not clear how fast things like Instagram will update on their own. If you don’t want your friends’ stories to repeat today, it’s a good idea to install the update manually.


How to prevent Instagram from repeating stories

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