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How to prevent annoying YouTube bots from spamming everyone

Image of an article titled How to prevent annoying YouTube bots from spamming everyone

Photo: Julius Kielaitis ((((Shutterstock).

Bot and spam comments aren’t new to YouTube, but recently websites are flooded with fake accounts that try to scam viewers commenting on their favorite channels. These fraudulent accounts use the same name and profile image as the YouTube channel they’re exploiting, and the bot tricks other users into thinking they’ve won a special prize, clicking a link or via DM. Ask them to contact you or send a text message to the outside world. Messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

Many users will soon notice these scams, but bots often target videos and community posts running giveaways and other contests, and some users can fall into the bait. There is sex. After all, these tricks are the reason why so many bot accounts are. workIf not so often.

Hopefully YouTube will take action against these scams, but so far their reaction to content creators has been to use comment moderation tools that are already available. Unfortunately, these options are either too restrictive or too restrictive to effectively stop spam, which can affect the community engagement of your channel.

Fortunately, YouTuber ThioJoe has created an open source tool called YouTube spammer purge This helps YouTube creators remove a large number of these annoying comments from their videos.

This tool is useful for content creators, but not so much for users. If you’re plagued by these bots, you can refrain from commenting to avoid spam replies, but again, community involvement is part of YouTube’s appeal.

YouTube wants to take more aggressive steps against fake copycat accounts and spambots so that it doesn’t matter to anyone, but for now, users need to be aware of this issue. I have. Here are some obvious signs of bot comments:

  • Inadequate grammar or featureless expressions
  • Requesting special prizes or other benefits
  • Requests to contact on WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, or other third-party messaging services
  • Strange link (don’t click!)

Also, be aware of the rules when commenting on videos to participate in official channel gifts or contests. Random similar accounts that comment “You won” and “Contact WhatsApp to claim the prize” if the YouTube channel says it will announce the winners in a video or community post. Is a fake.And if these comments appear randomly in irrelevant videos, they are absolutely false.

Image of an article titled How to prevent annoying YouTube bots from spamming everyone

screenshot: Brendan Hesse

If you’re not sure if your account is legal, go to the channel page to see if you really are.

If your account is fake, please visit the channel “about” On the tab, click the flag icon below “statistics” select “Report user,” Fill out the form. If the channel is impersonating another YouTuber, please let us know. Hopefully they can also report their account or block comments using YouTube Studio’s comment moderating tool.

How to prevent annoying YouTube bots from spamming everyone

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