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How to never be locked out of your apartment

Image of an article titled How to Never Be Locked Out of Your Apartment Again

Photo: Kosten Komaxim ((((Shutterstock).

I’m a lot of people locked out of their rental apartments. I’ve left countless keys in my apartment. I lost it several times while I was out. Once upon a time, I accidentally spilled superglue on a key, spoiling the appearance of the key and preventing it from fitting into the lock. As a result, I’ve introduced a multi-layer system to keep locksmiths from spending hundreds of dollars again pushing me into my terrible home. The mechanism is as follows.

Keep your keys everywhere

The key to never being locked out (intended for puns) is to keep spare keys hidden in various places. Most people are familiar with the old Key Under the Mat setup, but it can be dangerous because it can and does potential breakers and entertainers. You can easily check it.Moreover, in an urban environment, not everyone Have A mat to attach the key to. Lockboxes can also be dangerous because they need to be attached to external properties that are not yours. If you paste one into a city property or a private property, the owner simply removes it.

Here are some places where you can hide your keys:

  • Put a spare key in a trusted local company.. This only works if you really trust the business owners and employees, but if you have a deli or laundromat in a place like you are at home, can the owner keep a copy of the key? Consider asking if you would like. counter. Bonus points if you find a business that is open 24 hours a day.
  • Put a spare key in your work.. This option is great for buildings with 24-hour staff or those who work with doormen, but it’s always useful as long as you can get into the space the other way around. Also I need your key.
  • Give a spare key to a trusted friend..Your friends may not like having to travel to meet you in your apartment at 1am, But they probably like it more than the idea that you are sleeping on the street. This is also useful if you are out of town and someone needs to check something at your location.
  • Keep spare keys in every wallet and bag you own..This is self-explanatory, but I forget it whenever I switch bags. Something.. Don’t make it your key.
  • Find a place to hide the key in the hallway of the building.. Is there a picture frame or mirror in the hallway? Can you paste the key there without anyone noticing it? This will only work if you plan to go through the first door of the building, but it is highly recommended to keep the buzzer until your neighbor allows it. Desperate times require desperate action.

Finally, it’s worth keeping your key on the hook near the door of your apartment Commit to habits Remember to put them there every time you go home and grab them every time you leave.

Plan for when you might lose your key when you go somewhere

When you go to the club, your bag may be lost or lost. Stolen.. Place a spare key on a simple keychain and attach the keychain somewhere on your body. The underside of your skirt. When you go home, it’s better to have two keys than to have one. Going out for a long night..

When jogging (rarely, it happens), lock your ties. A large set of keys can easily bounce off your pocket or fanny pack. It’s special that you can’t take a shower when you get sweaty and tired and go home.

If you go on vacation, put a copy of the key in every bag you pack. You may lose one or two pieces of luggage, but you must not lose your key.

Safety concerns related to key stashing

There are some obvious drawbacks to hiding the keys around the places you visit frequently in your city. That is, others know this.MeYou can’t exaggerate that you have to trust your friends or someone else who knows where your keys are.But your safety precautions Go further.

obtain Small camera Please install it in your apartment.You can do it Get one It’s pretty affordable And set it to alert you whenever there is movement in your location. That way, at least you know if someone can get in there while you’re out. you that is Deadbolt the door from the inside of the house.

Do not have identifiable information in your keychain. If you lose your keys or spares, the stranger who picks them up will know who you are and where you live, and you don’t want to use your keys to break in.

these are Tips come from ADPIt is also advisable to get an electronic lock that completely eliminates the need for a key, but if you rent your place, you must be approved by your landlord. Remember the landlord’s phone number in case of an emergency anyway.They also have a copy of your key and can come to your rescue at least during business hours if everything else fails..

How to never be locked out of your apartment

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