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How to navigate air travel while breastfeeding

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Photo: Yaoinlove ((((Shutterstock).

Flying with a toddler is by no means a stress-free process, But the recent criticism of Netflix star Emily Calandrelli Transportation Security Administration agents This week, pumping essentials in a carry bag has brought a lot of attention to the problems that breastfeeding mothers face while traveling...

Calandrelli, who was traveling without children on a Twitter thread and was planning to pump milk at the airport, said. detail Her accusation that a male TSA agent mistakenly told her that partially frozen or thawed ice packs could not be brought to the security checkpoint. OReportedly ne Even required to know Where Her baby was.

TSA regulations for breastfeeding accessories allowed through security aIt’s just one point of confusion for parents traveling, so here What you need to know if you are breastfeeding or breastfeeding with or without a baby..

What breastfeeding essentials does the TSA allow for carry-on baggage?

According to the TSA websitechestMilk is “permitted in moderate amounts in carry-on baggage” and the same is true for infant formula and juice. “”We will remove these items from our carry-on baggage and screen them separately from other belongings, “says TSA... “”You don’t have to travel with your child to bring breast milk. “(((In particular, the conflict described by Calandrelli was caused by two half-thawed ice packs in the baggage, one agent said. [have been] Problem if her son was with her. “

TSA website to add Important Warning: “The final decision is left to the TSA officer to determine if the item can pass the checkpoint.”

Other Allowed Items-At least until a particular TSA officer determines that they are not allowed??Pumps and bottles are allowed, but bottles containing liquids must be removed from the bag.. The There is also a page on the TSA site Dedicated to gel ice packs essential for breastfeeding parents Travel — and the heart of Calandrelli’s story.

Frozen liquid items are perfectly fine at checkpoints as long as they are solid frozen during screening, but this only applies if: Gel ice pack that is not “medically necessary” is, According to TSA Allowed “in a reasonable amount” regardless of their relationship Physical state.. The agency will notify the officer at the checkpoint and request that the pack be inspected.If you are worried that the cold pack will be unzipped before going through securityConsider packing your carry-on baggage with an empty buggy and asking for ice at one of the restaurants and newsstands you met before arriving at the gate.

WChickens that pass the checkpoint will be removed Remove the cooler, packed milk, pump, and cold pack from the bag so that you can lower the conveyor belt yourself. TSA agents may want to test your milk You can ask to use it even if it is not frozen Alternative screening procedure, Also at least Wear fresh gloves.

Can I breastfeed on an airplane?

If you have a baby with you, you may be wondering if you can breastfeed on the plane itself. The answer is yes: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention flat recommendation you Nurse taking off or landing, If possible, to protect the baby from ear pain due to changes in cabin pressure.othersteethe, you are allowed Feed your baby on demand.

Most airlines Explicitly allow breastfeeding while in the seatAlthough others do not have a specific policy.. for example, Delta Website The company states, “We fully support women’s breastfeeding rights on board Delta and Delta Connection and at Delta facilities.” Delta also states that many airports offer private breastfeeding rooms or spaces that allow pumping and breastfeeding even before boarding.

If the milk and bottle are frozen together and you can’t (or don’t want) For in-flight nurses and flight attendants A cup of hot water to help thaw..

How about pumping on board?

many The airport has special rooms and spaces for breastfeeding parents to pump and care for, It is also generally permitted to use the pump on an airplane while in the seat or washroom... Consider allowing Flight attendant I know what you are doing If you plan to spend some time in the bathroom. They are trained to handle all sorts of things, Can provide you with additional Privacy, or at least less likely to start knocking on the door If it cannot be reproduced immediately..

Know your rights and keep your receipt

Print (or Screenshot) TSA rules for breast milk and pumpsCold pack allowance for carry-on baggage, and the breastfeeding policy of the traveling airline.

Breastfeed your baby when and where you need it Is your right, Even while traveling.If someone makes it a problem, Create these policies. However, make sure you comply with that policy.

How to navigate air travel while breastfeeding

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